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The BLAH-gosphere

I don't know if it's post-election let-down, the upcoming holiday season or the rigors of everyday life, but I've been feeling like taking a blog-break lately. I've always tried not to blog when I don't have something interesting, offensive or funny to post, but lately inspiration has been lacking (with the exception of Debra Lafave - she is inspiring indeed!).

And it seems that I'm not alone in this malaise. Just this morning, I was chatting with Johnny Walker Red, who has had a bit of blog-block lately himself, only to return today with a hilarious post.

David over at Sparse Matrix recently admitted he was suffering blogger burnout. Rusty went fishing, and a magical fish told him to check himself before he wrecks himself - he was later attacked by some angry water llamas, but appears to be okay.

Bill at INDC has lately found blogging to be more work than fun - but he has a hell of a lot more traffic to deal with. Even Allahpundit is MIA well into his second month, though he is prone to such abscences, from what I've read.

So, what's the point of all this? Well, I've decided to quit trying to predict what my small following of readers wants and go back to my reason for starting this blog in the first place - blowing off steam.

What this also means is that I have no idea what I'll be posting about from day to day. So while many bloggers have carved delightful niches for themselves, I have no idea what the six meats are going to be from day-to-day, and that's the way it's gonna be.

I don't know if blogging about sports on Monday, islamofascists on Tuesday, moonbats on Wednesday, etc., will hurt my credibility on any particular issue, but then again what the fuck does it matter? This isn't National Review for cryin' out loud.

I guess when I start overthinking this blogging stuff, I'll do the sphere a favor and quit. Until then, prepare for disjointed madness as long as the Buffet is open. That may be the only way to avoid crashing and burning.

She's back

My favorite teacher/cuckoldress is back, and she's insane! (well, that's what her lawyer says)

TAMPA - When a young Hillsborough County teacher was accused this summer of having a sexual affair with a 14-year-old student, many people's first reaction to the notorious case was, 'She's crazy.' Tuesday, Debra Lafave's attorney announced that his client would indeed be using an insanity defense.

Lafave, 24, is facing charges of lewd and lascivious behavior, stemming from accusations that the former Greco Middle School teacher had sex with the student both at school and in a car driven by the student's cousin in Ocala.

Crazy? Nah. Crazy-hot? Hell yeah!

Disclaimer: Six Meat Buffet apologizes for not taking the issues of underage sex and mental illness seriously.


Mrs. Holmes says that this hot teacher/horny student(s) issue exposes a double-standard that exists for a legitimate reason. When a male teacher has sexual relations with a 14-year-old girl (or in the case of Boston-area Catholic Priests, 14-year-old boys), that's pedophilia. When a 14-year-old boy has the golden opportunity to get it on with a hot teacher, he isn't getting victimized. I'm speaking from the experience of having been a 14-year-old boy.

Granted, it's still not right, but let's all admit that there's a difference. Oh, and by the way, Debra Lafave is still smokin' hot.


Q: Just who was the true source of the forged memos?

A: The ghost of Edward R. Murrow!

Why can't I find Red Hots?

Red Hots are the best candy ever created (with Atomic Fireballs a close second). Why can't I find them anywhere in Knoxville?

Walgreens used to stock the big bag of Red Hots, but now you're lucky if you stumble upon a bag of Lemonheads in that place. I'm like a damn drug addict jonesing for a fix. Me want Red Hots!

Okay, sorry about that. As you were.

The Red Crescent speaks out

The International Red Crescent has charged that the United States military has "used psychological and sometimes physical coercion 'tantamount to torture' on prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba."

The report of the June visit said investigators had found a system devised to break the will of the prisoners at Guantánamo, who now number about 550, and make them wholly dependent on their interrogators through "humiliating acts, solitary confinement, temperature extremes, use of forced positions." Investigators said that the methods used were increasingly "more refined and repressive" than learned about on previous visits.

"The construction of such a system, whose stated purpose is the production of intelligence, cannot be considered other than an intentional system of cruel, unusual and degrading treatment and a form of torture," the report said. It said that in addition to the exposure to loud and persistent noise and music and to prolonged cold, detainees were subjected to "some beatings." The report did not say how many of the detainees were subjected to such treatment.

Sounds pretty good to me.


What is it?

Is it a nightstick? A marital aid? A super-sized circus peanut? A big nail file? Does she have Captain Morgan in her?

Go here to solve the mystery!

That's why they're called government schools

(via Boortz)

I heard this story over the holidays, but didn't think much of it. Now that I've read more details, it's starting to fester like a sore.

A fifth-grade teacher in a San Francisco suburb (of course, you knew this story had to come from the Soviet Socialist Republic of California) has been forbidden from using the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE in his classroom because it mentions "God".

Steven Williams, a fifth-grade teacher at Stevens Creek School in the San Francisco Bay Area suburb of Cupertino, sued for discrimination on Monday, claiming he had been singled out for censorship by principal Patricia Vidmar because he is a Christian.

"It's a fact of American history that our founders were religious men, and to hide this fact from young fifth-graders in the name of political correctness is outrageous and shameful," said Williams' attorney, Terry Thompson.

Sadly, this type of news is no longer shocking, especially in California. In this case, however, the teacher in question has filed a lawsuit, the details of which are available at the Smoking Gun. Do you think the NEA and the state teachers' union will rally to his side? Don't hold your breath.

Though his odds of actually winning in a California court are abysmally low, hopefully this will bring enough attention to the case to show how far these Marxists who dominate the government schools infrastructure will go to rewrite history in the name of political correctness.

I mean really, it's the fucking Declaration of Independence, not a Jack Chick Publication!

While there are states where the government schools are more tolerant of religion than others, the NEA, ACLU and Federal Department of Education are continuing their campaign to destroy public education, and they're already most of the way there. Dumbing down the public is their collective goal, because an uninformed electorate is far easier to manipulate. Why else do you think John Kerry got more than 50 million votes?


Rather's retirement

Those mother-farkers over at Fark.Com are predicting what Rather will do during his "retirement". A nugget:

Those farkers are pretty farkin' funny sometimes.


Late-night football blogging

If the USC Trojans will simply put one more touchdown on the board, the lovely Mrs. Holmes will likely have a share of this week's football pool victory. Additionally, if Hawaii can cover, she'll likely win it outright, bringing her riches and glory unlike those ever seen in an office pool. Fingers crossed.

Sorry for the light blogging this weekend - as if anyone's actually noticed. I had one major real-world-type project to get done and have thankfully finished it, so I can move forward to more unproductive stuff - like blogging. Hope everyone has had a delightful holiday weekend.


The crossed fingers must have worked. Mrs. Holmes won the week (11/12) and finished 2nd in the pool for the entire year. She has proven without a doubt that she is far better at picking the college game than I. Congrats go out to her!


This was bound to happen eventually

No-good dirty low-down biatch sues American Express for allowing her to rack up credit card debt.

NEW YORK (AP) It's not my fault. I'm mentally ill. That's the argument a woman is using to sue American Express for two (M) million dollars after she ran up nearly one (M) million dollar in charges and couldn't pay the bill.

Prosecutors say the woman - 40-year-old Antoinette Millard - posed as a Saudi princess to steal hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of merchandise. She is now suing America Express saying she was mentally incompetent when she opened her account and the company should have known it.

The woman is free on 100-thousand dollars bail and awaiting trial on attempted grand larceny charges. Besides the phony princess the woman is also accused of posing as a Victoria's Secret model, which she was not.

I had actually contemplated this happening before now. If people are not responsible for their 77-Big-Macs-and-20-64-ounce-cokes-a-day leading to their morbid obesity and diabetes, then no one is really responsible for anything they do. It was only a matter of time before someone sued a credit card company for "allowing them to spend".

I suppose this is different since she's a fraud and a cheat, and not just your average credit-card-debtor. I say put her down in cell-block six where some of the more seasoned "ladies" can teach her what paying a debt is really all about. And if she looks good enough to pass as a Victoria's Secret model, film the prison antics and show it on Cinemax as an "adult reality" series. I'd pony up for that one.

Pat Tillman for Sportsman of the Year

Johnny Walker Red and Blackfive have passed along a link where you can vote for Pat Tillman as Sports Illustrated's Sportsman of the Year. It's a little bit confusing, but simply scroll down the little window on the left until you see a picture of Tillman, and then hit Vote.

It would be nice if we could get enough people to move him to first place on the poll, since all the other candidates' achievements are insignificant by comparison.

Just go do it.


Sortapundit makes a good point. He doesn't think that you should vote for Pat because that's not what Pat would have wanted. It's hard to argue with his point.

Throughout it all Tillman did everything he could to avoid the limelight. He wanted to be treated like every other soldier. He didn't give interviews, and even enlisted in Denver to avoid the publicity he would have got had he enlisted in Phoenix.

Tillman didn't fight for medals and awards. He fought because he felt the call of duty. He looked at his NFL contract, at the promise of fame, fortune and wealth, and decided that he wanted to do something more important.

So I don't think it's a great idea to vote for Tillman. I think he'd be embarassed at the thought. Vote for Lance Armstrong. Vote for Tom Brady. Hell, vote for the US softball team. Tillman didn't die a football player. There would be little honour in that, with today's astronomical wages and prima donna personalities. He died a soldier, with more honour than the rest of us can hope for.

My point in voting for Tillman (not that any of this really matters) is to point out that he represents true heroism, and that modern sports is such a bullshit exercise that making Tillman the Sportsman of the Year will serve as a handy reminder. Steve McNair playing a football game injured is not heroism. Lance Armstrong kicking the shit out a bunch of Euro-socialists in France six years in a row is nice, but not heroism. (His fight against cancer might qualify, however)

The majority of modern-day millionare sports figures are nothing more than pampered, self-important assholes. Tillman was the antithesis of that, which is why I'd like to see him crowned "Sportsman of the Year" and why I still encourage you to go vote for him!


Feels like Christmas

We're nestled snug in the Western North Carolina mountains this Thanksgiving - and it's been snowing and blowing all day long. Definitely feels like Christmas up here - and we forgot our Christmas music for the drive home - it's my fault.

One more Happy Thanksgiving to all you fine folks before I hit the sack. And for any of you who are going shopping tomorrow - what the hell are you thinking!??!!??!!


Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, steadfast conservatives and bedwetting socialists alike.

Things I thank God for: the lovely Mrs. Holmes; our nearly-perfect offspring; my folks, sisters and extended family; my friends (well, those I haven't alienated with this blog); the fact that I'm an American and enjoy the freedoms therein; those men and women currently separated from their loved ones while fighting islamofascists on our behalf; my health; and the list goes on.

One last thing I'm thankful for... the fact that THIS is not our new First Lady...

Big-ass burrito lunch special

Thanks to the good folks at Burrito Diablo for expanding my stomach with their monster burrito. Ingredients include, but are not limited to:


It's almost Turkey Holocaust Day. Yep, that's what the PETA freaks call Thanksgiving. They've even got an ad campaign - Holocaust on your Plate - to go along with it. Not only that, you can "Invite Holocaust on your Plate" to your town or school.

They even use this graphic...

to publicize their campaign.

This is not surprising coming from a group of mentally ill idiots who equate rats and pigs with people.

The use of the term "holocaust" should tell you all you need to know about these sick bastards. Equating the systematic extermination of millions of Jews with the Thanksgiving holiday betrays a detachment from reality so severe that the only remedy is permanent medication and hospitalization.

If you've ever supported PETA in the past, I urge you reconsider. These people are fucking sick.

Diced Tomatoes:

Speaking of special occassions, did you know that it's Islam Awareness Week in Jolly Olde England? I had no idea either, but the Jawa Report and LGF are sharing some nuggets of awareness for those who aren't as aware as they should be about the wonders of islam.

Some samples from Dr. S:

Were you aware that the Prophet Muhammed married a nine year old girl? I mean, he married Âishah when she was six but he had the class not to have sex with her until she was nine. Just wanted you to be aware of that.

Were you aware that Muhammed demanded that all Jews in the Arabian Peninsula be converted to Islam, be exiled, or be killed? If you were one of those idolators, say a Hindu, no such luck on the exile thing--convert or die.

Were you aware that the the majority of violent conflicts in the world are between Muslims and their non-Muslim neighbors or between Islamists and secularists within the Muslim world? Just wanted you to be aware on this most important week of the year!

What other things do they kill you over in Islam? How about breaking your Ramadan fast? Ok, they didn't try to kill him....85 lashes seems reasonable for a 14 year old boy! How about if you're 13 years old and raped by your older brother? Death. Blasphemy? Death. Are you aware yet?

Yep, I see no difference between islam and Christianity. It's all the same God, right, unitarians?

Black Beans:

The Blogfather has a very interesting post regarding the replacement of Kofi Annan with Vaclav Havel, former Czech president. It would be a positive step - albeit, a baby step - but a hell of a lot more would need to be fixed before I stop demanding that the U.N. Building be blown up and the tin-pot dictators thrown into the East River.

Seasoned Rice:

Michelle Malkin continues to chronicle President Junior's love affair with Mexican President Vicente Fox. The results of their copulation is an open border that guts our economy and threatens our security. Don't send them a baby gift.

"Hot" Salsa:

It's Uptown Girl's First Blogbirthday. She's currently digging her hands and face into the cake, making a God-awful mess. Go over and tell her Happy Blogbirthday!

Cheddar Cheese:

Here is yet another reason that Demure Thoughts will always be one of my crushes.

Sour Cream:

Last, but not least, Rob and Mark have knocked it out of the park with this one.

First, some background. Roly-poly socialist blogger Oliver Willis decided a while back that his losing Dim-O-Crack party simply needs re-branding. So he came up with some web graphics that will do just that, in his alleged mind. A sample:

In customary crafty fashion, Rob & Mark know a golden opportunity when they see it. They've launched a parody site as a tribute to Oliver's campaign. A sample:

Oh, there's more hilarity - and you can add your own - go check it out.

Late term abortion stirs controversy

Dena Schlosser, 35-year-old oppressed mother, performed a homemade late-term abortion Monday, and has been arrested by the patriarchal Plano, Texas police department.

The National Organization for Women quickly responded by making her a leading candidate for Reproductive Rights Superstar of the Year for 2004.

The media is waiting for Katie Couric to come out in support of a defense fund for Schlosser - much like she did for previous Reproductive Rights Superstar and Houston native Andrea Yates - whose record five-fetus late-term abortion earned her a special place in the NOW trophy case.

Stay tuned to the Today show, as when Schlosser's defense fund is set up, Katie will surely be the first to let folks know where to contribute.

Rather worthless

Everyone's favorite brutally insane socialist anchorman officially announced his Spring 2005 retirement yesterday.

Some are speculating that this announcement may be tied to the pending announcement of the Rathergate investigation results. Not so.

First of all, it's not retirement. He's simply leaving his nightly news post. He's staying on at 60 Minutes II, where he has a blank check to run inaccurate stories based on forged documents. With that kind of freedom from facts, even I wouldn't turn down that job!

Secondly, this is not really news. Next year's retirement plans have been floating around since way before memogate. They may have only been rumors, but they must have been on pretty good authority.

Next, the report (due out next week) will result in absolutely nothing. Do you really believe that CBS is going to police itself? The fact that Rather is going to stay on at CBS is just another slap in the face to the public. Until that Marxist dyke Mary Mapes is kicked out of there, you can rest assured that you'll be getting the same leftist drivel no matter which CBS "news" program you waste your valuable time watching.

On a side note, I was listening to NPR on the way home last night (yes, I do that occasionally, so sue me) and heard a strangely balanced story about Rather's retirement. I had settled in to enjoy the hilarity of NPR tonguing Rather's dumper, only to be taken aback by an even-handed report that even included an interview with the guys from RatherBiased.Com. Hearing such a reasonable story from NPR has left me feeling violated and unsettled.

So what does all this RatherBlather add up to? Jack squat. Beginning in March, there will be a new nightly anchor at CBS that I won't be watching. Up yours, CBS.


Tennessee's Lt. Governor picks a winner

(via the Gill Report)

Here in Tennessee, we don't have much sense - I mean, we voted for Dubya didn't we?

As proof of our lack of refinement, here is a video of our Lt. Governor, the senile John Wilder, enjoying dessert at a committee meeting.

No, it wasn't flan, it came from deep in his sinuses, apparently, because it took a while to extract.

(not for the weak of stomach)

Bad luck

If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all. Gloom, despair and agony on me.

It's been a rough time for me lately. I don't mean to dump on ya'll, but you came here asking for it, now didn't you?

First, I had to cancel that Russian bride I mail-ordered last week. I was looking forward to some Eastern Bloc action, too.

I let some teenage punks live with us in our house, only to have them steal my money from an ATM machine. At least they got what was coming to them.

I lost another e-bay bid. I really wanted this one too, because it tasted like salvation.

I bought a whole bunch of stock in the Aunt Jemima corporation, only to find that Condoleeza Rice was not going to be their new spokesperson after all. I know better to invest in a risky scheme like the stock market.

One of my prize poodles left a puddle on Tony Blair's carpet.

The other night, I was settling in to watch Desperate Housewives, when a schooner sailed straight into my living room, causing me to miss the raciest segment.

My Hindu saint did not ascend on schedule.

Lonely housewives will not stop calling me for sexy romps. I keep telling you ladies, I'm married!

One of my favorite punk bands has sold out to Santa Claus.

Here's hoping my luck improves.


Well, I lied, here's some more sports news

For you local yokels, some sad news. Knoxville-News Sentinel sports writer Gary Lundy passed away today from a heart-attack.

I always liked Lundy because he wasn't a U.T. sheep - he called it like it he saw it and wasn't afraid to take shots at the Great Pumpkin when he deserved it. From the News-Sentinel:

Gary Lundy, an award-winning sports journalist for the Knoxville News Sentinel died Monday of a heart attack. He was 49 years old.

Mr. Lundy was a columnist who covered sports, mostly University of Tennessee athletics, for 27 years and had been with the News Sentinel since 1992. He graduated from the University of Tennessee. He has been honored as Associated Press Sports Editors' national columnist of the year. Also, he has been named Tennessee Sportswriter of the Year four times by the Tennessee Sportswriters Association and twice by the National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Association.

News Sentinel editor Jack McElroy issued this statement: "This is a sad, sad day. Not only was Gary an exceptional sportswriter and journalist, he was a very fine man and as nice a guy as you would ever want to meet. We, in the newsroom, will miss him terribly, and our thoughts and prayers go out to his wife, son.and other family members."

11/23 UPDATE:

Lots of great comments about Gary at Michael Silence's News-Sentinel Blog - including an old Father's Day column Gary wrote shortly after his son made it out of intensive care due to surgery to remove a cancerous tumor.

Plenty of other comments from other N-S writers as well as other notables - including Memphis writer Mike Fleming, Bama curmudgeon Paul Finebaum, and other former Vols and broadcasting types. Well worth a read if you're a Gary Lundy fan.

(If registration is required, you can use email: and password: sixmeat)

I have no shame - vote for me!

Wizbang is putting together nominations for the 2004 Weblog Awards.

I took the liberty of nominating myself in the "Best New Blog" and "Best of the Top 250 - 500 Blogs" categories. Hell, everyone else was doing it, why not me! I have no shame!

If by some fluke I make it to a voting round, I'll let you know when and where to stuff the virtual ballot box - just like Doug and I did with the non-virtual ballot box in high school - assuring him of the Senior Class Chaplain's position.

Open season on hunters

Five dead, three injured after confrontation between hunters in Wisconsin.

Just before noon Sunday, a group of hunters staying at a private deer camp was heading back to its cabin, when they saw another hunter occupying their tree stand.

Sheriff's deputies say a confrontation ensued and shooting followed. “One of the men was injured, he had a walkie talkie and was able to radio back to the deer camp what was going on, people from the camp went to the scene where they were shot and killed,” says Sawyer County Chief Deputy Tim Zeigle.

So hunters, here are three lessons to take away from this story:

1) If someone is in your tree stand, just let them use it. They will have to come down eventually.

2) If someone calls you on a walkie-talkie to come and assist with a hunter-turned-madman, approach with extreme caution.

Most importantly: 3) If a whacked-out hunter starts shooting at you, SHOOT BACK!!!

Monday sports madness

Well, the weekend was dominated by sports news - with the riots and everything - so why not a quick Monday wrap-up?

Blue-eyed white devil NBA Commissioner David Stern came down with suspensions yesterday of many the players involved in the Freewheelin' Friday Fracas in Detroit. And what was the real reason behind these suspensions? Why, racism, obviously. Just look at the players that were suspended!

How hard is it to add up? David Stern = white. Suspended players = black. End of story.

Speaking of racists, NASCAR crowned Kurt Busch the Nextel Cup season champion for 2004. The fans absolutely hate Busch (so much so, that they turned their back on him during his cup celebration after the race), which is why he is now officially my favorite driver. I am going to ask for a Sharpie 97 baseball cap for Christmas, in fact - hopefully Santa will pull through this year.

My Friday football picks weren't too bad - I went 3/5 in both college and pros. In the NCAAs, I missed Michigan/OSU and Fla/Fla State. In the pros, my beloved Titans & Kelly's Pack proved me wrong. I am still hoping that the Titans drop the rest of their games so that we can get the best possible draft pick in April. I realize that I'm apparently the only one who feels that way, but that happens to me frequently.

Not that anyone cares, but I was pleasantly surprised with Rick Clausen's first start for Tennessee on Saturday. He managed the game well - threw some bad passes, but also threw some unexpectely good ones as well. If our defense didn't suck out loud, the game wouldn't even have been close. I wish there was a way out of playing Auburn in the SEC Championship game - they're going to beat us like a stray dog. Especially if we play defense like we did at Vandy on Saturday.

Now back to your regularly scheduled blog-browsing. That's it for sports for a while, I promise.


Missed tackle blogbrowsing

While Tennessee again displays its complete inability to tackle, let's take a look around the Sphere™.

Rob at Say Anything reminds us how the left is very tolerant of a variety of religions - particularly their favorite religion, islam. However, they're not nearly as tolerant of Christianity - and they never have been.

Michele, Dawn and Ace are all documenting how ACLU-types are already getting revved up to yank down wreaths, menorahs, nativity scenes and anything else that might smell like Christmas.

Oprah pulled off another coup by getting an interview with the celebrated dead Iraqi islamofascist over at Cranky's place.

Johnny Walker Red disagrees with me about President Junior's swing back to the left since the election. If I'm right, in four years, JWR will owe me a big bottle of Jack Daniels - the green label stuff. He hasn't agreed to the bet yet, but I'm sure the public pressure will make him cave.

Rusty has a good round up of recent goings-on in the Religion of Peace™.

The game's back on and we've got some tackles to miss.


The brawls continue! Just saw footage from the Clemson/South Carolina game - looked like both benches emptied in a huge 2nd half melee. If Jeff Quinton is at the game - perhaps he'll have some scoop on the story - right now I can't find anything online about the fight.

Fox Sports now has a story about the fisticuffs.


Stop the NBA season - disband the league

Part-time rapper Ron Artest and Stephen Jackson of the Indiana Pacers charged into the stands and started a brawl with fans Friday night near the end of the Pacers/Pistons game.

The game was stopped by officials with 45.9 seconds left on the clock after players from both teams fought by the scorer's table, with the pushing and shoving spilling into the stands.

The public address announcer told the crowd the game was being halted and pleaded with fans not to throw objects on to the court, with many spectators having pelted the Indiana players with beer and other debris as they made their way to the dressing rooms.

The fracas started when Detroit's Ben Wallace went for a lay-up and was fouled hard by Artest. Wallace then pushed Artest in the face, causing the two benches to empty and several players to exchange punches.

While lying on the scorer's table, Artest was hit by a cup and then charged into the crowd, with Jackson and several other players also climbing over seats and exchanging punches with fans.

As a result of this incident, Six Meat Buffet calls for an end to the NBA 2004-2005 season and a complete disbanding of the league.


Click on Detroit has video of the altercation.


Foreign-born presidents? Shitty idea!

There is a sub-sect of Republicrats who mistakenly think that it's a good idea to amend the U.S. Constitution to allow foreign-born candidates to run for President.

This whole movement came about as the result of some dimwits who think that Ahhnnuulllld Schwarzenegger is the second coming of Ronald Reagan. Well, he's not, and he should never be allowed near the Oval Office. Sure, he's a better Governor than Red Davis was, but a ham sandwich would be a better Governor than Red Davis.

I don't care how conservative the candidate is - in fact, I don't care if the candidate agrees with every freaking one of my views - a foreigner should never be allowed to become President of the United States. There was a reason that our founding fathers structured the Constitution to keep foreigners out of the office - pure and simple loyalty. I don't trust Ahhhnnnulllld any more than I would the Prime Minister of Nepal, whoever the hell that is.

While being American-born doesn't mean you won't turn into a traitor, it does increase the odds of loyalty to our country.

And who is behind the current congressional push for Aahhhhhnnnnuullldd's candidacy? Why, Orrin Hatch, among others!

"Arnold has said for decades that he wants to amend the Constitution so he can be president," says a statement from the group. "Now, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, Senator Orrin Hatch and others have introduced legislation known in Congress as 'Arnold Bills' to give Schwarzenegger what he wants."

Americans Against Arnold founder Alex Jones stated: "Arnold 's already running for president. His operatives have been dominating the airwaves, despite the fact that in major polls 80-plus percent of Americans don't want to change the Constitution so he can be president.

Jones' loathing of Schwarzenegger is clear:

"This narcissistic megalomaniac would have control of the nuclear launch codes if he were president – just think about that. From defending known Nazi Kurt Waldheim, using illegal drugs and sexually harassing women, I've never heard of a politician coated in this much slime."

It's not even so much that Ahhhhhhhhnnnnnuuuuuld is a scum bag, which by most accounts, he is - it's protecting our nation from future foreign wolves in sheeps' clothing that may beguile enough voters to take the reigns of the most powerful office in the land. This is such a horrible idea, that I'm aghast that it's even getting serious consideration anywhere.

And besides, you know it's a bad idea when Madeline Half-bright comes out in support of it.

Friday football picks

Since Kelly gave me some grief for last week's lack of picks, here are this week's picks. I would bet the house on every single game based on my outstanding track record.

Tomorrow's NCAA games: Vols 28, Vandy 10 (they're so horrible, we could beat them with me at quarterback); Auburn 34, Alabama 16; Michigan 27, Buckeyes 14; Florida State 29, Gay-tors 14; and for Jeff Quinton, Clemson 17, South Carolina 14.

In the pros on Sunday, all the players will be as high as Ricky Williams, resulting in the following scores: Jags 24, Titans 17 (I think we should throw the rest of the games to move up the draft board, but that's not Jeff Fisher's style, unfortunately); Indy 35, Chicago 10; Denver 29, New Orleans 10; Atlanta 31, NY Giants 14 (Why the hell are they starting Manning? Do they want to get him killed?); and for Lisa & Kelly, the Texans upset the Pack, 27-21. Sorry ladies, that's just the way it is.

These picks and $10 will get you a scalped ticket outside Vanderbilt's Commodore stadium tomorrow in Nashville.

Republicrat, Demican, it's all the same

Yesterday's dog and pony show at the Clinton Liebrary (sic) was a stark reminder that our two party system remains nothing more than a dog-and-pony show.

A few housekeeping items first, however. I know a lot of other people have mentioned this, but it really does look like a big double-wide trailer.

Was anyone paying attention at the design meetings, or was this one big joke on the part of the architect? Is it supposed to levitate over the river so it can double as a casino?

Next, and I realize this is Arkansas, and a some definitions of "family values" differ from house to house in the Ozark Mountains, but doesn't this seem a little familiar? I mean, I'm just sayin' is all.

Now, on to the pork of the issue. Let's go ahead and put aside the fact that this was an impeached former President who was little more than a trailer-park perjurer with a penchant for fat chicks. This guy was the stereotypical used car salesman, selling shit to the American public that we didn't need (with the admitted exception of welfare reform, which he was forced into).

The Clinton Liebrary is simply a privately funded (thanks, Marc Rich) way for the Clintonistas to re-write the history of the go-go 90s. I suppose they can do whatever they want, they paid for the damn thing - and all it cost them was a few presidental pardons.

If you saw any of the coverage or listened to the remarks yesterday, you had to realize that the cabal of ex-Presidents (and current Presidents) on stage was little more than a bunch of good old boys who all share an inside joke - and the joke is on us.

With the exception of the War on Terror - which is the primary reason I voted for President Junior - the president has gone right back to his democrat-style agenda, raising the debt ceiling, calling for amnesty for illegals, allowing Arlen Specter to take over the Senate Judiciary Committee, and I'm sure the list will continue to grow as we sink deeper into the second term.

All the glad-handing, ass-slapping garbage that you saw and heard on stage should serve as a reminder: The primary goal of both parties is the expansion of the stranglehold of the Federal Government.

The Republicans talk a good game, "smaller government", "tax cuts", "personal responsibility", blah blah blah. However, as always, it's more important to pay attention to their deeds and not their words. The Republicans in the Senate are as politically weak as a frail and feeble infant. All the while, the President continues to spend us out of house and home - sure, he gave us a piss-ant tax cut, but he also gave us the biggest expansion of the welfare state since the 60s with his drugs-for-seniors program.

The GOP is now the Democratic party of the 70s (see, Gerald Ford, they finally caught up with your progressive views!) and the Democrat party has now become the French Socialist party.

The Dim-O-Cracks will take you to a socialist utopia at 100 mph while the GOP will take you there at only 50 mph. They're both going to the same destination.


Remember when we used to beat South Carolina?

(via Backcountry Conservative)

Here's the good news, Vol fans. We don't have to worry about Steve Spurrier returning to Florida to dominate us for the next decade.

Here's the bad news: It looks like we will be getting dominated by South Carolina for the next decade instead.

A report in the Tennessean has Spurrier taking over for Lou Holtz when he resigns - possibly at the end of this year. An official announcement could come as early as next week.

Well, it was fun dominating the Gamecocks while it lasted. The Great Pumpkin must be pretty depressed, given the fact that he'll soon be Spurrier's bitch - yet again.

Tennessee Pride

California authorities continue to look for Nashville rapper "Young Buck" in connection with Monday night's stabbing at the Vibe Awards.

I'm so proud.

In unrelated news, Terrell Owens skipped practice yesterday for "personal reasons." Suspiciously, Nicolette Sheridan was noticably absent from Desperate Housewives' rehearsal as well, according to an unnamed source within ABC. Curious....

11/19 UPDATE:

The Tennessean reports this morning that "negotiations are underway" for stabby rapper Young Buck to surrender to authorities.

The reaction of Earl Jordan, founder of Partners in the Struggle, an anti-violence community group, was to organize a rally tomorrow in support of the local rapper. The rally is scheduled for 2 p.m. at the Mary & Charles W. Pruitt Library, 117 Charles E. Davis Blvd.

"We're just gonna be … sending prayers to Young Buck," Jordan said. "I don't want to disregard the actual violent behavior that has transpired if he was the one who has done this, but we also want to build a dialogue from the community, from everyone, from teenagers to people who just listen to rap music and music in itself, to state this is what's going on in the music industry as far as with rappers, all rappers.

"I feel that the media in some form was already convicting him of this, and we don't have all of the story. So we just wanted to build a dialogue, and hopefully he will go ahead and turn himself in."

Young Buck's mother, known in gangsta circles as Mama Buck, said that he ain't did it.

The rapper's mother, Audrey Horn, yesterday told The Associated Press from her Nashville home that police are not being fair because Brown is being "treated like a real live criminal when the man who attacked Dr. Dre is being treated like a victim." She said of her son: "Yes, he is into gangsta rap, but that doesn't make him a criminal."

Members of Tennessee's only gay gansta rap outfit, the "Knee Length Posse", could not be reached for comment - and that's probably for the best.

Hobbs Online has some more info on Young Buck, should you need more.


After-dinner mints

After a delicious and luxurious chicken sandwich, I've decided it's time for some web dessert. What the hell, it's sugar-free! By the way, I got my first Japanese blog link (I think). I know you'll all be excited about that. Particularly those of you know how to read those nutty little characters they use.

Johnny Walker Red is waxing poetic again.

The Commissar has a very sobering, yet ultimately optimistic essay on the state of affairs in Iraq.

We're reminded again that liberals can't be considered racist. Even if the things they say and draw are just that. The Democracy Project and La Shawn Barber both have some thoughts on recent animated attacks on Condi Rice - which, if done by conservative white males, would be derided as Klan-esque. It's remarkable the disrespect she's being shown, but not out of character for the left. Stand by for Ted Rall's Condi Rice hit piece next week. (via The Blogfather)

Speaking of Condi - er - Ms. Rice, Sparse Matrix has my favorite alleged Rice quote: "Punish France, ignore Germany and forgive Russia..." It's no wonder I'm smitten with her.

Got Post-Election Selection Trauma? You're not alone, my sad, sad friend.

Ace caused me to soil myself at work this afternoon. I had to go home and change clothes.

Captain Cranky is a little less cranky after getting the good news about American socialists leaving their homeland en masse to relocate to Eurabia. Hell, I feel a little better myself after reading it.

Lisa is worried about mandatory mental health screenings for kids. And with good reason. More info here: The Liberty Committee. This is just more government interference in our personal lives that should never be allowed to happen. It truly is No Child Left Undrugged. Let your Senators hear from you about this. I'm going to let my two RINO Senators (Alexander & Frist) hear about it for sure.

RTG reviews this day in islamofascist history.

This woman should be executed immediately. No trial necessary.

Last but not least, Vanderbilt University is lucky enough to have a gay cross-dresser in the race for Homecoming Queen. And they DO mean QUEEN! (Hat-tip: Morello)

"I accepted the homecoming nomination because I think that the way homecoming court works now, it doesn't represent all students. It just presents Mr. Vanderbilt Senior and Mrs. Vanderbilt Senior as this perfect heterosexual couple. I wanted to change that."

Now that's courage.
M or F? You decide!

Watch your back for the Old Media

Outstanding cartoon via Cox & Forkum (via Right on Red):

I finally saw the video of the "shooting" last night in Fallujah. After watching the video and surveying the situation, I no longer think the marine in question should even be reprimanded - he should be congratulated.

He was reacting exactly as he should have - protecting himself and his unit. Jeff at Beautiful Atrocities has some ways you can show your support for the marine. He provides this message from Tammy Bruce:

"One of our fighting men has come under 'investigation' for shooting a terrorist who was pretending to be dead in a mosque. The media is spinning this as a 'shooting of a wounded, unarmed Iraqi.' The bottom line is that he was a murderous savage trying to trick one of our soldiers, who then did his job by killing that enemy.

"Quite a few of our casualties as we liberated Fallujah were soldiers who approached the supposed dead or wounded terrorists only to be injured or killed because the body or person was boobytrapped. This was at a time of combat & our young man did his duty. He deserves a medal, not a lawyer.

Have you heard the Old Media report on what was going on in Fallujah's mini-Taliban rule of terror? Of course not. You should read what was being done to the citizens of Fallujah.

Another poster in the ruins of the souk bears testament to the strict brand of Sunni Islam imposed by the council, fronted by hardline cleric Abdullah Junabi. The decree warns all women that they must cover up from head to toe outdoors, or face execution by the armed militants who controlled the streets.

Two female bodies found yesterday suggest such threats were far from idle. An Arab woman, in a violet nightdress, lay in a post-mortem embrace with a male corpse in the middle of the street. Both bodies had died from bullets to the head.

"But we were happy you did what you did because Fallujah had been suffocated by the Mujahidin. Anyone considered suspicious would be slaughtered. We would see unknown corpses around the city all the time."

The same story of arbitrary executions was told by another resident, found by US troops cowering in his home with his brother and his family.

"They would wear black masks, carry rocket-propelled grenades and Kalashnikovs, and search streets and alleys," said Iyad Assam, 24. "I would hear stories, about how they executed five men one day and seven another for collaborating with the Americans. They made checkpoints on the roads. They put announcements on walls banning music and telling women to wear the veil from head to toe."

Sounds like we were about 8 months too late in executing the Fallujah offensive. This is due in no small part to the leftist media holding our troops hostage by using the war in Iraq as election fodder.

Consequently, Rather, Brokaw, Jennings, you're the bastards with blood on your hands. Mary Mapes, Chris Matthews and CNN, you're responsible for this mini-Taliban rule in Fallujah - you enabled the slaughter - hope you're able to wash down the blood with your fucking lattes.


Margaret Hassan murdered by the Religion of Peace™

(via Digger, Chad and The Jawa Report)

A video has surfaced, via the enemy media (Al Jizziera), depicting the murder of CARE International aid worker Margaret Hassan.

The video hasn't surfaced on the web yet, but it surely will. Like the two Simonas, who were rescued by the Italian government's willingness to negotiate with terrorists, Margaret was led by her idealism to provide humanitarian aid to the innocent Iraqi people. We can't say whether or not she would praise the islamofascist insurgents like Simona Torretta did after she was released, because they shot her in the head while she was blindfolded. If I had to venture a guess, I'd say probably not.

It also seems that the islamofascists chose not to behead her, but to shoot her in the head instead. You have to wonder why.

Others on the case: Jane, Blogs of War, Command Post, Ramblings Journal.

Vibe Awards shockingly racked with violence

Vibe Awards attendees were shocked when violence broke out at the awards show Monday night.

SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AP) - A fight broke out near the stage at the Vibe awards ceremony as rapper Snoop Dogg and producer Quincy Jones were preparing to honor Dr. Dre., and one person was stabbed, authorities and witnesses said.

News video showed chairs being thrown, punches flying, people chasing one another and some being restrained.

It was unclear if the stabbing preceded or followed the fight. The victim, a 26-year-old man, was taken to a hospital and was listed in stable condition.

I hope this doesn't give the rap community a black eye.

The Old Media will make sure you see this story

(via Johnny Walker Red)

Al Reuters is reporting that a U.S. Marine shot a wounded Iraqi insurgent dead in a mosque in Fallujah. Upon hearing this story, my initial reaction was, I'm glad they're doing their job.

LONDON (Reuters) - A television pool report by U.S. network NBC says that a U.S. Marine shot dead an unarmed and wounded Iraqi prisoner in a mosque in Falluja.

The Iraqi was one of five wounded prisoners left in the mosque after Marines had fought their way in on Friday and Saturday. There was no immediate comment from the Pentagon on Monday's report.

The pool report by NBC correspondent Kevin Sites said the mosque had been used by insurgents to attack U.S. forces, who stormed it and an adjacent building, killing 10 militants and wounding the five.

"The Marine then raises his rifle and fires into the man's head. The pictures are too graphic for us to broadcast," Sites said. No images of the shooting were shown in the footage provided to Reuters.

The report said the Marine, who had returned to duty after being shot in the face a day earlier, had been removed from the field and was being questioned by the U.S. military.

Sites said the shot prisoner "did not appear to be armed or threatening in any way".

The "prisoner" wasn't "threatening in any way" - except for when he was firing on our troops from the fucking mosque.

The bottom line is that these islamofascist "soldiers" had been using the mosque as a base of operations to attack our troops. What should have happened is, once the mosque was identified as an enemy base, it should have been annihilated completely - killing ALL insurgents inside. I suppose that would be considered offensive to the Religion of Peace™, though.

In the Bullpen reiterates that while the worthless U.N. demands that we operate according to the Geneva Convention, the enemy is allowed to operate in their dirty nightshirts firing RPGs at us from mosques and other "holy shrines." In order to win this battle, we have to fight on their level, which means there are no fucking rules.

I agree with Digger - at the most, this soldier should be reprimanded. Personally, I would have liked to have seen this soldier in charge at the Afghan prison camp where John Walker Lindh was rounded up.

So prepare yourselves, CNNABCNBCCBSMSNBCNPRPBS will be all over this like a hood over an Abu Ghraib prisoner.

When the Iraq invasion began and I saw that we had "embedded journalists" mixed in with our troops, I knew things weren't going to go well. It's a cliche, but war is hell and there are things that happen in war that people don't need to know about. This embedded journalist shit needs to stop.

You cannot look at what happens in a battle like the one in Fallujah through the lens of everyday American life. The two are completely unrelated and while the Old Media sits in their plush TV studios passing judgment on the men and women who make their bullshit existence possible, this is one blog where you're not find one tear shed over another dead islamofascist.

Other folks passing judgment:


The Jawa Report has an outstanding post pointing out how the beheadings have stopped because the terrorists are on the run, what we've found in Fallujah under terrorist rule, and how Kevin Sites (the "embedded journalist") is a traitor.


Condi to the rescue

She kicks ass - and she's going to be the next Secretary of State. No, she's not going to be taking dictation and typing memos and getting coffee, you misogynistic bastard, she's going to be telling other heads of state to cram it in their ass if they don't tow the line (albeit, tactfully).

Dominatrix Condi. It's about time she had a true power position. I wonder if President Junior will have to call her "Mistress." Have I already stepped way over the line here?

Anyway, since it can't be crotchety old Zell Miller, I'm glad it's Condi. They're going to rake her over the coals during confirmation, but she's going to eat their lunch and then spit it back in their face like so much fatty mutton. I hope she goes to the confirmation hearings with a pair of brass knuckles on each fist.

I shouldn't laugh at stuff like this...

But I still do.

Man sets himself on fire outside White House.

Fortunately for a few bystanders, they had marshmallows on sticks at the ready.


More details have emerged and I've learned that it's okay to laugh at this one. Apparently this bearded madman set himself on fire shouting "allah!". Why don't more radical islamists take this approach? See, islamofascists, you don't have to blow yourself up! If you just set yourself on fire, you'll still get some publicity and there's a lot less cleanup for the rest of us.

(White House-AP) Nov. 15, 2004 - A man set fire to himself outside the White House on Monday, suffering serious burns before Secret Service agents extinguished the flames.

The incident took place just after 2:00pm on Pennsylvania Avenue outside the mansion's northwest gate.

TV cameras captured the immediate aftermath with medics administering first aid and the man crying out in pain. He repeatedly included the word, "Allah!"

A Washington, DC, fire department spokesman says the man is 52 and suffered burns on his head, back, arms and face. But, he was reported conscious when he arrived at a local hospital.

The only question that remains is why did they bother putting him out?

11/16 UPDATE:

(via Digger's Realm) News this morning is that the man who turned himself into a personal tiki torch is actually Mohammed Alanssi, 52, a former FBI informant. He had warned the FBI that he was going to "burn himself" but failed to provide details. Apparently, the FBI said, "whatever".

JohnnyWalker Red has more from the UK's Guardian on the story. The charbroiled Alanssi was apparently upset because he wasn't allowed to go back to Yemen to visit his ailing wife. He claims that the FBI had promised to help him get back to Yemen, but reneged.

Colin Powell - out of here!

(via Drudge Siren Alert).

Things are coming together nicely for the Second Term of Evil.


Jeff Quinton, Digger, JWR and Rob all have more info. Rob isn't sure how he feels about Powell's departure. I, on the other hand, am tickled pink. There's no chance he's running for the GOP in '08 either - if he does, he'll run as a Dim-O-Crack with McCain as his running mate.

According to Fox News, Spencer Abraham (Sec. of Energy), Anne Veneman (Sec. of Agriculture) and Rod Paige (Sec. of Education) are resigning as well. I hope this means we can finally shut down the Federal Department of Education. The Federal Government should have no role in public education, but that's another post for another day.

There's speculation that VP Cheney may hit the road at some point as well. If that were to happen, President Junior should appoint Zell Miller as the new VP. If Condi Rice isn't tagged to replace Powell, then she should be moved up to VP, with Zell Miller taking over as Sec. of State. That would be giving the big middle finger to Europe and the U.N. That would be a CREAM DREAM.

Additionally, does anyone know where to send resumes to replace these folks?

It's a Civil War Monday

With all this blue state secession talk, it's hard not to speculate as to whether or not we're heading for another Civil War.

Now someone has sent me this brilliant example of leftist tolerance and understanding: It's basically one big rant from some stereotypical blue state elitist, attacking us Red Staters, urging us to leave the country. Some pithy nuggets:

Fuck the South. Fuck 'em. We should have let them go when they wanted to leave. But no, we had to kill half a million people so they'd stay part of our special Union. Fighting for the right to keep slaves - yeah, those are states we want to keep...

All those Federal taxes you love to hate? It all comes from us and goes to you, so shut up and enjoy your fucking Tennessee Valley Authority electricity and your fancy highways that we paid for. And the next time Florida gets hit by a hurricane you can come crying to us if you want to, but you're the ones who built on a fucking swamp. "Let the Spanish keep it, it’s a shithole," we said, but you had to have your fucking orange juice.

But two guys making out is going to fucking ruin marriage for you? Yeah? Seems like you're ruining it pretty well on your own, you little bastards. Oh, but that's ok because you go to church, right? I mean you do, right? Cause we fucking get to hear about it every goddamn year at election time. Yes, we're fascinated by how you get up every Sunday morning and sing, and then you're fucking towers of moral superiority. Yeah, that's a workable formula. Maybe us fucking Northerners don't talk about religion as much as you because we're not so busy sinning, hmmm? Ever think of that, you self-righteous assholes? No, you're too busy erecting giant stone tablets of the Ten Commandments in buildings paid for by the fucking Northeast Liberal Elite. And who has the highest murder rates in the nation? It ain't us up here in the North, assholes.

Well this gravy train is fucking over. Take your liberal-bashing, federal-tax-leaching, confederate-flag-waving, holier-than-thou, hypocritical bullshit and shove it up your ass.

And no, you can't have your fucking convention in New York next time. Fuck off.

Well, actually, those are about the only interesting parts, so you don't even have to bother visiting the website. This pansy-ass is pretty representative of many on the left who continue to lose their shit over the election.

The leftists in the Old Media spend all this time talking about how Bush needs to "unify us" now that he's won. Fuck that. With assholes like this guy, why would we want to unify with these Blue State elitist pricks? What we should do -- and we won't do it because Bush doesn't have the stones -- is put our boot down on their throats and force our conservative legislative agenda up their ass until it comes out their mouth.

In another example of leftist tolerance, Wild Bill has an example of how some on the left are even suggesting that shooting us Red Staters is a perfectly acceptable form of political discourse.

This country does need healing. It needs the healing from those runny syphilitic open sores in the Blue States - New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Boston, Philadelphia, Detroit, among others - not from middle America.


Weekend entertainment news!

Is there anything more interesting than the lives of celebrities? Absolutely not. When I'm not reading US, I'm reading People. When I'm not reading People, I'm reading the Enquirer. When I'm not reading the Enquirer, I'm reading the Globe. Oh, I could go on.

So Cameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake are being sued for attacking a couple of photographers, causing emotional distress and great physical harm. They may be fantastic entertainers, but they have no right to treat the media that way. These photographers are just trying to help get photos of these stars out there to help their careers. I hope Cameron and Justin have learned something from this ugly incident.

Is anyone else out there totally jacked about seeing the "Seed of Chucky" movie? I've always wanted to see Jennifer Tilly covered in animated doll jizz.

Why did one of Jay-Z's boys shoot R. Kelly in the face with pepper spray? You're both fantastic singers and have the world on a string! Don't let this disintegrate into a Tupac vs. Biggie Smalls situation. The entertainment world still hasn't recovered from the loss of those two talented artists (may they rest in peace).

I just heard that they're making a movie version of the musical RENT! I've already seen it countless times, and it's been a groundbreaking musical. It moves me every time. I think we'll finally get to a place of better understanding in this country when we accept the fact that everybody has AIDS.

In a real reality television story, New York attorney Ravi Batra is suing the show Law & Order for portraying him in a bad light. I don't know if Mr. Batra has seen the show, but they've got really good attorneys on that show. He may want to think twice about taking them on in court.

Finally, the CBS producer that interruped CSI the other night has justifiably been sacked. I know everyone was as angry as I was when that happened. I realize Mr. Arafat is a head of state and an important figure, but couldn't it just wait until the 11:00 news?

Oh well, there's your weekend entertainment news! Never a dull moment in the world of celebrity! Yeah, I'm a little jealous!

apologies to Jackie Harvey


Excessive Friday blogging

Well, I'm pretty sure I'm not getting anything else done today, so might as well take a stroll around the 'sphere.

Just read Rusty's love letter from a Frenchie. They are a hilarious cheese-eating bunch of surrender-socialist nitwits, aren't they?

If you're worried about what will become of Arafish's widow, don't worry. She's still going to be the First Lady of France. Plus, she'll eke by on her life insurance, while Arafish's subjects continue to live in squalor, barely able to afford the belts for their suicide bombs.

For you Tennessee indigents, HobbsOnline has more TennCare news. Looks like the state's attempt at socialized medicine is getting closer to meeting its maker.

One last unrelated insane item... Was anyone else out there ever confused between Tom Bosley from Happy Days and Bosley from Charlie's Angels?

Scott Peterson jury finally sick of each other

Am I supposed to be excited about this Fox News Alert I received regarding the Scott Peterson verdict being announced at 4 pm EST? (That's in 10 minutes)

Will Greta Von Horseface be reading the verdict out of the corner of her mouth? Has the jury finally gotten so sick of one another that they've agreed just to get out of there? Does anyone besides Fox News care? Are Laci Peterson and Chandra Levy actually O.J. Simpson victims with Peterson and Condit taking the blame? So many idiotic questions we may never know the answers to, nor will we care.


Verdict: He be goin' to jail.

Up yours, Spain

(via Passionate America)

It was nice to see President Junior tell Spain's Cowardly Lion Zapatero that he was too busy to yap. However, Junior was not too busy to meet with Spain's former Prime Minister, Jose Maria Aznar, which was a nice poke-in-the-eye for the new mini-France.

As Wild Bill aptly puts it, "It seems Bush is just too busy fighting TERRORISM to take calls from a TERRORIST appeaser."

Palestinian casket swarm

Well, they didn't get to have one of their car swarms, but they did get to have a casket swarm. It is a surprise that they didn't crack the casket open and start tossing the corpse around like a crowdsurfer at a Red Hot Chili Peppers show. They suck almost as bad as Arafish.

A friend suggested that Arafish should be buried next to the Wailing Wall. That way, those awful Jews wouldn't have as far to walk to relieve themselves on his grave.

Good riddance, you disgusting piece of terrorist shit.


Got a minute? Then you should watch this 1-minute film by HonestReporting.Com that succinctly summarizes the true Arafat legacy - his legacy as the Godfather of Terrorism. Don't let CNNABCCBSNBCNPR white-wash Arafat's legacy of mass-murder. Spread this film around to the uninformed Old Media sheep you know. (via FrontPageMag)


Happy Veterans Day

I can't let this day go by without something more than a "thank a vet" message in the masthead. We have the good fortune of living in the most free society on earth thanks to men and women who have fought and died so that the rest of us don't have to. And with that, I say a big thank you to the men and women who have fought in past wars as well as the brave troops fighting on the front lines of the War on Terror.

You're pulling the cart in which the rest of us ride, and a lot of us appreciate it more than you'll ever know.

Other bloggers saying thanks today:


You should check out the miraculous story of Marine Reservist Jesus Vidana at Outside the Beltway. (via Rusty)

Bill Maher, he's not just an asshole anymore

(via Drudge & The Smoking Gun)

Bill Maher isn't just a socialist asshole anymore. He's a deadbeat dad and a racist! That's according to a palimony suit he got slapped with yesterday.

NOVEMBER 11--Comedian Bill Maher was slapped yesterday with a $9 million palimony suit by an ex-girlfriend who alleges that the HBO star subjected her to physical and verbal abuse, including "insulting, humiliating and degrading racial comments." In the below Los Angeles Superior Court complaint, Nancy Johnson, a centerfold model and former flight attendant also known as Coco Johnsen, alleges that Maher, 48, reneged on promises to pay her expenses and purchase a Beverly Hills home.

Go read the whole thing. I always new Maher had a severe short-man's complex.

Arafish dead, Tenncare dead - both good news!

After flirting with the grim reaper and his 72 virgins for three days, Arafish has finally assumed room temperature.

It took French doctors weeks to find answers to the following questions: is he sick? what's he got? is he dead? is he not dead? is he just brain-dead? is that smell of death or the smell of islamofascism? why won't his wife shut up?

Is this the health-care system that the American left has been touting as an example of how great socialized medicine works? You have to assume that Arafish got the best of the best in French health-care and they still couldn't figure out what the hell they were doing. I say we outsource health-care for all American liberals to Arafish's crack French health-care team.

Hundreds of Palestinian mourners are heartbroken because Arafish didn't die as the result of a missile attack in a car, depriving them of another palestinian car swarm.

Tune into CNNABCNPRNBCCBSMSNBCBBC to watch the socialist Old Media wail and gnash their teeth over the death of one of their most hallowed leaders - you won't hear grieving like this again until Castro kicks the bucket.

In related death news, many Tennesseans are celebrating the possible death of TennCare, our state's attempt at implementing socialized medicine.

TennCare was implemented in the early 90's by bloated Democrat Governor Ned McWherter. It was a utopian attempt to provide healthcare for the "needy" in the state, but quickly turned into a vehicle for easy fraud and abuse and is now threatening to bankrupt the state.

Bill Hobbs and Frank Cagle have both been on the forefront of covering TennCare fraud and abuse and are good resources if you want more info.

Former Governor Don Sundquist - the worst governor the state has ever had and a complete piece of crap to boot - did his best to use TennCare's exorbitant costs to justify an implementation of an income tax, but thankfully failed.

Now it looks as if Governor Phil Bredesen will shut the plan down by next week, if Marxist lawyer Gordon Bonnyman and his "Justice Center" do not stand down in their continuing lawsuits and Federal mandates that have hamstrung any real reforms in the system.

Shutting down this black hole is the best thing that could possibly happen for the state, but as Mrs. Holmes pointed out last night, this may simply be a dog-and-pony show cooked up by Bredesen & Bonnyman to create the impression of real reform while merely being a compromise already reached behind the scenes.

She's usually right about these things, but in this case, I hope her intuition is wrong and Bredesen means what he says and TennCare takes a long-needed dirt nap.


Spineless French President Jacques "The Worm" Chirac has hailed Arafat as a "man of courage".

This shows how absolutely foreign the term courage is to the French. They can't distinguish between courage and blood-thirsty murdering terrorist.


Home sweet home

Just like the Motley Crue song says. Special thanks to Continental Airlines for not crashing the plane.

I'm too damn tired to talk about Fallujah slaughterhouses, Alberto Gonzales, President Junior stabbing us in the back with his amnesty programs, or spanking 19-year old teenage girls.

On second thought, maybe I'm not too tired to talk about spanking young ladies, but I should probably go unpack instead. Back on the horse tomorrow. Hope it doesn't throw me off too early.


Frightened French fire on factions

The French, once again acting unilaterally, killed 7 and wounded 200 during the fourth day of fighting in the Ivory Coast.

Abidjan, Ivory Coast - French forces opened fire on Tuesday as thousands of angry loyalists massed outside an evacuation post for foreigners, witnesses said, and a hospital reported seven people killed and 200 wounded in a fourth day of chaotic violence pitting France against its former prize colony.

The bloodletting, overshadowing the launch of an African peace mission here, erupted at a one-time luxury hotel that French forces have commandeered as an rallying post for 1 300 French and other foreigners rescued from anti-French rampages across the largest city, Abidjan.

An Associated Press photographer saw the bodies of three demonstrators outside a hospital, their bodies draped in Ivorian flags.

The chaos in Ivory Coast, the world's top cocoa producer and West Africa's former economic powerhouse, broke out on Saturday when Ivory Coast warplanes killed nine French peacekeepers and an American aid worker in an air strike on the rebel-held north.

France wiped out the nation's air force on the tarmac in retaliation, sparking massive anti-French rampages by mobs of thousands in the fiercely nationalist south.

Perhaps we could take a cue from the French when it comes to dealing with protestors in our own country? Hmmmm?

Stories from the heat of battle

Here's some on-the-ground reporting from Fallujah. This is part 10 in Blackfive's series covering the Showdown in Fallujah.

Check them all out. (h/t Right on Red)

Blog Room Service

I decided this morning to skip the first session of the conference and enjoy some room service instead. Blog room service.

Much to my surprise, when I picked up the Cleveland Plain Dealer this morning, what was on the front page but the very photo below from official Insurgent Photographer Bilal Hussein. The Associated Press may want to send someone to scoop up his remains when his photos stop coming over the wire.

Johnny wonders what many of us are wondering - where has Allah gone? I hope he returns one day...

LaShawn Barber is analyzing the fact that President Junior got a slightly bigger chunk of the black vote this election cycle and Michelle Malkin says that the media is using flawed exit-polling data to claim that Junior got 44% of the hispanic vote. It ain't so, she says.

David at ISOU is kind enough to give us a little bonus Tara Reid.

The Commissar is dismayed that President Junior is closing in on 60 million total votes as the counting continues.

Chad has shots from a Chicago protest yesterday against the Fallujah offensive. The nitwits on the left aren't going away, nor did I expect them to. I've long said that these protester types (ANSWER, etc.) are not as interested in peace as they are in bringing America down. They are allies with the enemy whether they want to admit it or not. They come down squarely on the side of the islamofascists - when you're protesting a military operation that is meant to wipe out terrorists, there is no doubt that you are in league with the terrorists. Pure and simple.

Has anyone seen Rusty's morning paper?

Arafish is still circling the bottom of the bowl. Somebody needs to flush. (Does this mean Digger's conspiracy theory isn't so conspiratorial?)

Did anyone even know that a DVD box set of Live Aid is coming out? Apparently proceeds from the DVD sales will be given directly to the communist Ethiopian government in the form of gold bricks.

And one last stream-of-consciousness item... congratulations to Mrs. Holmes for winning her second college football pool of the season. She beat the living hell out of everyone else in the pool this past weekend. Kudos!


Arafat is dead.


Our enemies in the global media

(via Drudge)

Should the media vermin (Bilal Hussein) who got all these choice shots of insurgents be drawn and quartered? He's obviously entrenched enough to be considered a comrade in arms - shouldn't he be hunted down along with the insurgents? Or does he get journalistic immunity? You can probably guess my answers to those questions.

Similarly, how about this socialist BBC hag who "cried when Yasser Arafat's Jordanian helicopter carried him away from Ramallah en route to a hospital in France"?

Anyone with such an emotional attachment to this murderous pile of Palestinian fecal matter is mentally deranged and should be sacked and sent to Whalley Range.


Rusty is taking bets on the Bilal Hussein Dead Pool.

I am still a Straight American™

Just in case you were wondering. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Former altar boy and Gay American™, James McGreevey gave his farewell address today. New Jersey will miss him. He offered this apology:

"And I am sorry that I have disappointed the citizens of the state of New Jersey who gave me this enormous trust. To be clear I am not apologizing for being a gay American but rather for having let personal feelings impact my decision-making and for not have having had the courage to be open about whom I was," McGreevey said, adding that he is a changed man.

Well, I wanted him to apologize for being gay, not for being a scumbag who bilked taxpayers and was a serial liar. [/sarcasm] Enough about him.

In what might possibly be gay-related news, Arafish's death will be announced tomorrow, according to Digger. I love a good conspiracy theory.

My friend Nathan has a message for the blue states. He reminds the Xenophobes in the blue states that we know a hell of a lot more about them than they do about us (the red states). Lookout blue, we're comin' after you with our straw hats and our shotguns, ya damn big-city fellers.

The Scott Peterson trial is almost over. Looks like he'll be free to kill again soon. What will Greta Von Horseface talk about now on Fox?


Sunday night browsing

After several beers and some mediocre food, I'm taking a quick look around the blogosphere only to discover the following shocking headlines:

With great shit like this out there, is it any wonder I spend way too much time bouncing from blog to blog, reading and reading until I realize that I've wasted all the time I had set aside for working? I'm beginning to think that blog reading is even more addictive than blogging itself.