Six Meat Buffet

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Late-night football blogging

If the USC Trojans will simply put one more touchdown on the board, the lovely Mrs. Holmes will likely have a share of this week's football pool victory. Additionally, if Hawaii can cover, she'll likely win it outright, bringing her riches and glory unlike those ever seen in an office pool. Fingers crossed.

Sorry for the light blogging this weekend - as if anyone's actually noticed. I had one major real-world-type project to get done and have thankfully finished it, so I can move forward to more unproductive stuff - like blogging. Hope everyone has had a delightful holiday weekend.


The crossed fingers must have worked. Mrs. Holmes won the week (11/12) and finished 2nd in the pool for the entire year. She has proven without a doubt that she is far better at picking the college game than I. Congrats go out to her!