Big-ass burrito lunch special
Thanks to the good folks at Burrito Diablo for expanding my stomach with their monster burrito. Ingredients include, but are not limited to:
It's almost Turkey Holocaust Day. Yep, that's what the PETA freaks call Thanksgiving. They've even got an ad campaign - Holocaust on your Plate - to go along with it. Not only that, you can "Invite Holocaust on your Plate" to your town or school.
They even use this graphic...
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to publicize their campaign.
This is not surprising coming from a group of mentally ill idiots who equate rats and pigs with people.
The use of the term "holocaust" should tell you all you need to know about these sick bastards. Equating the systematic extermination of millions of Jews with the Thanksgiving holiday betrays a detachment from reality so severe that the only remedy is permanent medication and hospitalization.
If you've ever supported PETA in the past, I urge you reconsider. These people are fucking sick.
Diced Tomatoes:
Speaking of special occassions, did you know that it's Islam Awareness Week in Jolly Olde England? I had no idea either, but the Jawa Report and LGF are sharing some nuggets of awareness for those who aren't as aware as they should be about the wonders of islam.
Some samples from Dr. S:
Were you aware that the Prophet Muhammed married a nine year old girl? I mean, he married Âishah when she was six but he had the class not to have sex with her until she was nine. Just wanted you to be aware of that.
Were you aware that Muhammed demanded that all Jews in the Arabian Peninsula be converted to Islam, be exiled, or be killed? If you were one of those idolators, say a Hindu, no such luck on the exile thing--convert or die.
Were you aware that the the majority of violent conflicts in the world are between Muslims and their non-Muslim neighbors or between Islamists and secularists within the Muslim world? Just wanted you to be aware on this most important week of the year!
What other things do they kill you over in Islam? How about breaking your Ramadan fast? Ok, they didn't try to kill him....85 lashes seems reasonable for a 14 year old boy! How about if you're 13 years old and raped by your older brother? Death. Blasphemy? Death. Are you aware yet?
Were you aware that Muhammed demanded that all Jews in the Arabian Peninsula be converted to Islam, be exiled, or be killed? If you were one of those idolators, say a Hindu, no such luck on the exile thing--convert or die.
Were you aware that the the majority of violent conflicts in the world are between Muslims and their non-Muslim neighbors or between Islamists and secularists within the Muslim world? Just wanted you to be aware on this most important week of the year!
What other things do they kill you over in Islam? How about breaking your Ramadan fast? Ok, they didn't try to kill him....85 lashes seems reasonable for a 14 year old boy! How about if you're 13 years old and raped by your older brother? Death. Blasphemy? Death. Are you aware yet?
Yep, I see no difference between islam and Christianity. It's all the same God, right, unitarians?
Black Beans:
The Blogfather has a very interesting post regarding the replacement of Kofi Annan with Vaclav Havel, former Czech president. It would be a positive step - albeit, a baby step - but a hell of a lot more would need to be fixed before I stop demanding that the U.N. Building be blown up and the tin-pot dictators thrown into the East River.
Seasoned Rice:
Michelle Malkin continues to chronicle President Junior's love affair with Mexican President Vicente Fox. The results of their copulation is an open border that guts our economy and threatens our security. Don't send them a baby gift.
"Hot" Salsa:
It's Uptown Girl's First Blogbirthday. She's currently digging her hands and face into the cake, making a God-awful mess. Go over and tell her Happy Blogbirthday!
Cheddar Cheese:
Here is yet another reason that Demure Thoughts will always be one of my crushes.
Sour Cream:
Last, but not least, Rob and Mark have knocked it out of the park with this one.
First, some background. Roly-poly socialist blogger Oliver Willis decided a while back that his losing Dim-O-Crack party simply needs re-branding. So he came up with some web graphics that will do just that, in his alleged mind. A sample:
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In customary crafty fashion, Rob & Mark know a golden opportunity when they see it. They've launched a parody site as a tribute to Oliver's campaign. A sample:
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Oh, there's more hilarity - and you can add your own - go check it out.
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