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She's back

My favorite teacher/cuckoldress is back, and she's insane! (well, that's what her lawyer says)

TAMPA - When a young Hillsborough County teacher was accused this summer of having a sexual affair with a 14-year-old student, many people's first reaction to the notorious case was, 'She's crazy.' Tuesday, Debra Lafave's attorney announced that his client would indeed be using an insanity defense.

Lafave, 24, is facing charges of lewd and lascivious behavior, stemming from accusations that the former Greco Middle School teacher had sex with the student both at school and in a car driven by the student's cousin in Ocala.

Crazy? Nah. Crazy-hot? Hell yeah!

Disclaimer: Six Meat Buffet apologizes for not taking the issues of underage sex and mental illness seriously.


Mrs. Holmes says that this hot teacher/horny student(s) issue exposes a double-standard that exists for a legitimate reason. When a male teacher has sexual relations with a 14-year-old girl (or in the case of Boston-area Catholic Priests, 14-year-old boys), that's pedophilia. When a 14-year-old boy has the golden opportunity to get it on with a hot teacher, he isn't getting victimized. I'm speaking from the experience of having been a 14-year-old boy.

Granted, it's still not right, but let's all admit that there's a difference. Oh, and by the way, Debra Lafave is still smokin' hot.