Republicrat, Demican, it's all the same
Yesterday's dog and pony show at the Clinton Liebrary (sic) was a stark reminder that our two party system remains nothing more than a dog-and-pony show.
A few housekeeping items first, however. I know a lot of other people have mentioned this, but it really does look like a big double-wide trailer.
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Was anyone paying attention at the design meetings, or was this one big joke on the part of the architect? Is it supposed to levitate over the river so it can double as a casino?
Next, and I realize this is Arkansas, and a some definitions of "family values" differ from house to house in the Ozark Mountains, but doesn't this seem a little familiar? I mean, I'm just sayin' is all.
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Now, on to the pork of the issue. Let's go ahead and put aside the fact that this was an impeached former President who was little more than a trailer-park perjurer with a penchant for fat chicks. This guy was the stereotypical used car salesman, selling shit to the American public that we didn't need (with the admitted exception of welfare reform, which he was forced into).
The Clinton Liebrary is simply a privately funded (thanks, Marc Rich) way for the Clintonistas to re-write the history of the go-go 90s. I suppose they can do whatever they want, they paid for the damn thing - and all it cost them was a few presidental pardons.
If you saw any of the coverage or listened to the remarks yesterday, you had to realize that the cabal of ex-Presidents (and current Presidents) on stage was little more than a bunch of good old boys who all share an inside joke - and the joke is on us.
With the exception of the War on Terror - which is the primary reason I voted for President Junior - the president has gone right back to his democrat-style agenda, raising the debt ceiling, calling for amnesty for illegals, allowing Arlen Specter to take over the Senate Judiciary Committee, and I'm sure the list will continue to grow as we sink deeper into the second term.
All the glad-handing, ass-slapping garbage that you saw and heard on stage should serve as a reminder: The primary goal of both parties is the expansion of the stranglehold of the Federal Government.
The Republicans talk a good game, "smaller government", "tax cuts", "personal responsibility", blah blah blah. However, as always, it's more important to pay attention to their deeds and not their words. The Republicans in the Senate are as politically weak as a frail and feeble infant. All the while, the President continues to spend us out of house and home - sure, he gave us a piss-ant tax cut, but he also gave us the biggest expansion of the welfare state since the 60s with his drugs-for-seniors program.
The GOP is now the Democratic party of the 70s (see, Gerald Ford, they finally caught up with your progressive views!) and the Democrat party has now become the French Socialist party.
The Dim-O-Cracks will take you to a socialist utopia at 100 mph while the GOP will take you there at only 50 mph. They're both going to the same destination.
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