Happy Veterans Day
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I can't let this day go by without something more than a "thank a vet" message in the masthead. We have the good fortune of living in the most free society on earth thanks to men and women who have fought and died so that the rest of us don't have to. And with that, I say a big thank you to the men and women who have fought in past wars as well as the brave troops fighting on the front lines of the War on Terror.
You're pulling the cart in which the rest of us ride, and a lot of us appreciate it more than you'll ever know.
Other bloggers saying thanks today:
- Right on Red says thanks
- Say Anything says thanks
- LaShawn Barber says a big flag-waving thank you
- Blogs of War has a message from W
- LGF says thank you
- Bill at INDC Journal has a moving memorial to 1st Lt. Joshua Palmer (via Hugh Hewitt)
- Right Wing News has some words of tribute from Zell Miller
- In The Bullpen salutes
- The Politicker has a "Toast to the Flag"
- Just down I-40, The T-Man has words of thanks
- Cox & Forkum - another great cartoon
- Former U.S. Marine Froggy has a Veterans' Day Recognition
- Michele has some good Veterans Day resources
- Even cranky old Boortz says thank you
You should check out the miraculous story of Marine Reservist Jesus Vidana at Outside the Beltway. (via Rusty)
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