Six Meat Buffet

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Condi to the rescue

She kicks ass - and she's going to be the next Secretary of State. No, she's not going to be taking dictation and typing memos and getting coffee, you misogynistic bastard, she's going to be telling other heads of state to cram it in their ass if they don't tow the line (albeit, tactfully).

Dominatrix Condi. It's about time she had a true power position. I wonder if President Junior will have to call her "Mistress." Have I already stepped way over the line here?

Anyway, since it can't be crotchety old Zell Miller, I'm glad it's Condi. They're going to rake her over the coals during confirmation, but she's going to eat their lunch and then spit it back in their face like so much fatty mutton. I hope she goes to the confirmation hearings with a pair of brass knuckles on each fist.