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Margaret Hassan murdered by the Religion of Peace™

(via Digger, Chad and The Jawa Report)

A video has surfaced, via the enemy media (Al Jizziera), depicting the murder of CARE International aid worker Margaret Hassan.

The video hasn't surfaced on the web yet, but it surely will. Like the two Simonas, who were rescued by the Italian government's willingness to negotiate with terrorists, Margaret was led by her idealism to provide humanitarian aid to the innocent Iraqi people. We can't say whether or not she would praise the islamofascist insurgents like Simona Torretta did after she was released, because they shot her in the head while she was blindfolded. If I had to venture a guess, I'd say probably not.

It also seems that the islamofascists chose not to behead her, but to shoot her in the head instead. You have to wonder why.

Others on the case: Jane, Blogs of War, Command Post, Ramblings Journal.