Six Meat Buffet

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I am still a Straight American™

Just in case you were wondering. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Former altar boy and Gay American™, James McGreevey gave his farewell address today. New Jersey will miss him. He offered this apology:

"And I am sorry that I have disappointed the citizens of the state of New Jersey who gave me this enormous trust. To be clear I am not apologizing for being a gay American but rather for having let personal feelings impact my decision-making and for not have having had the courage to be open about whom I was," McGreevey said, adding that he is a changed man.

Well, I wanted him to apologize for being gay, not for being a scumbag who bilked taxpayers and was a serial liar. [/sarcasm] Enough about him.

In what might possibly be gay-related news, Arafish's death will be announced tomorrow, according to Digger. I love a good conspiracy theory.

My friend Nathan has a message for the blue states. He reminds the Xenophobes in the blue states that we know a hell of a lot more about them than they do about us (the red states). Lookout blue, we're comin' after you with our straw hats and our shotguns, ya damn big-city fellers.

The Scott Peterson trial is almost over. Looks like he'll be free to kill again soon. What will Greta Von Horseface talk about now on Fox?