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Palestinian casket swarm

Well, they didn't get to have one of their car swarms, but they did get to have a casket swarm. It is a surprise that they didn't crack the casket open and start tossing the corpse around like a crowdsurfer at a Red Hot Chili Peppers show. They suck almost as bad as Arafish.

A friend suggested that Arafish should be buried next to the Wailing Wall. That way, those awful Jews wouldn't have as far to walk to relieve themselves on his grave.

Good riddance, you disgusting piece of terrorist shit.


Got a minute? Then you should watch this 1-minute film by HonestReporting.Com that succinctly summarizes the true Arafat legacy - his legacy as the Godfather of Terrorism. Don't let CNNABCCBSNBCNPR white-wash Arafat's legacy of mass-murder. Spread this film around to the uninformed Old Media sheep you know. (via FrontPageMag)