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Open season on hunters

Five dead, three injured after confrontation between hunters in Wisconsin.

Just before noon Sunday, a group of hunters staying at a private deer camp was heading back to its cabin, when they saw another hunter occupying their tree stand.

Sheriff's deputies say a confrontation ensued and shooting followed. “One of the men was injured, he had a walkie talkie and was able to radio back to the deer camp what was going on, people from the camp went to the scene where they were shot and killed,” says Sawyer County Chief Deputy Tim Zeigle.

So hunters, here are three lessons to take away from this story:

1) If someone is in your tree stand, just let them use it. They will have to come down eventually.

2) If someone calls you on a walkie-talkie to come and assist with a hunter-turned-madman, approach with extreme caution.

Most importantly: 3) If a whacked-out hunter starts shooting at you, SHOOT BACK!!!