Six Meat Buffet

This blog is the magnet, and you are steel.

If you have arrived at this site from, then either the main site is down and you've received a 404 error, or the main site is down for maintenance. If you've arrived at this site any other way, you should probably know that the Six Meat Buffet blog is actually at SixMeatBuffet.Com.

This is the backup site for use when things go wrong over at the main site. Which is not uncommon. You can always drop me a line at preston-at-sixmeatbuffet-dot-com or sixmeat-at-gmail-dot-com if you have questions.


Why can't I find Red Hots?

Red Hots are the best candy ever created (with Atomic Fireballs a close second). Why can't I find them anywhere in Knoxville?

Walgreens used to stock the big bag of Red Hots, but now you're lucky if you stumble upon a bag of Lemonheads in that place. I'm like a damn drug addict jonesing for a fix. Me want Red Hots!

Okay, sorry about that. As you were.