Six Meat Buffet

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Excessive Friday blogging

Well, I'm pretty sure I'm not getting anything else done today, so might as well take a stroll around the 'sphere.

Just read Rusty's love letter from a Frenchie. They are a hilarious cheese-eating bunch of surrender-socialist nitwits, aren't they?

If you're worried about what will become of Arafish's widow, don't worry. She's still going to be the First Lady of France. Plus, she'll eke by on her life insurance, while Arafish's subjects continue to live in squalor, barely able to afford the belts for their suicide bombs.

For you Tennessee indigents, HobbsOnline has more TennCare news. Looks like the state's attempt at socialized medicine is getting closer to meeting its maker.

One last unrelated insane item... Was anyone else out there ever confused between Tom Bosley from Happy Days and Bosley from Charlie's Angels?