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Blog Room Service

I decided this morning to skip the first session of the conference and enjoy some room service instead. Blog room service.

Much to my surprise, when I picked up the Cleveland Plain Dealer this morning, what was on the front page but the very photo below from official Insurgent Photographer Bilal Hussein. The Associated Press may want to send someone to scoop up his remains when his photos stop coming over the wire.

Johnny wonders what many of us are wondering - where has Allah gone? I hope he returns one day...

LaShawn Barber is analyzing the fact that President Junior got a slightly bigger chunk of the black vote this election cycle and Michelle Malkin says that the media is using flawed exit-polling data to claim that Junior got 44% of the hispanic vote. It ain't so, she says.

David at ISOU is kind enough to give us a little bonus Tara Reid.

The Commissar is dismayed that President Junior is closing in on 60 million total votes as the counting continues.

Chad has shots from a Chicago protest yesterday against the Fallujah offensive. The nitwits on the left aren't going away, nor did I expect them to. I've long said that these protester types (ANSWER, etc.) are not as interested in peace as they are in bringing America down. They are allies with the enemy whether they want to admit it or not. They come down squarely on the side of the islamofascists - when you're protesting a military operation that is meant to wipe out terrorists, there is no doubt that you are in league with the terrorists. Pure and simple.

Has anyone seen Rusty's morning paper?

Arafish is still circling the bottom of the bowl. Somebody needs to flush. (Does this mean Digger's conspiracy theory isn't so conspiratorial?)

Did anyone even know that a DVD box set of Live Aid is coming out? Apparently proceeds from the DVD sales will be given directly to the communist Ethiopian government in the form of gold bricks.

And one last stream-of-consciousness item... congratulations to Mrs. Holmes for winning her second college football pool of the season. She beat the living hell out of everyone else in the pool this past weekend. Kudos!


Arafat is dead.