More peace, love & understanding from the left
Yes indeedy, the ill-liberals got together in NYC last night - and as usual, their message is hate, hate and more hate. It's no wonder they're always droning on and on about hate speech - they've perfected it and know it better than everyone!
Dim-O-Crats raise $7.5 million at star-studded NYC parade of the horribles.
It was a classic hollywood hate-fest. A drunken Whoopi Goldberg ranted on and on - spending most of her time comparing President Bush to her own rancid, diseased genitalia. Jessica Lange whined about this-or-that and Robert Redford blathered on about how cutting taxes was "borderline criminal." It makes me wish that King Kong had eaten Jessica Lange back in 1976.
Even Chevy Chase appeared - displaying the keen wit that sank his "talk show" quicker than the Titanic: (via Newsmax)
Comic actor Chevy Chase heaped scorn on Bush's intellect: "This guy is as bright as an egg-timer," he said, adding that he supposed the president invaded Iraq "just so he could be called a wartime president."
Chase also told the audience the most recent book Bush had read was "Leader of the Free World for Dummies."
Chase also told the audience the most recent book Bush had read was "Leader of the Free World for Dummies."
Is it any wonder that the world wouldn't be missing anything if California fell into the ocean?
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