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I can't believe these idiots are still crying about 2000

A group of dimwitted legislators are requesting UN observers for the November 2 presidential elections.

These ignorant bastards must be joking. First of all, they need to get over the fact that they lost the 2000 election. YOU LOST! IT'S OVER!

They're still claiming that the octagenarians in Palm Beach County and the blacks all over Florida were "disenfranchised" by their own stupidity. The bottom line is that all the votes were tallied (except for the military votes that the Marxist lawyers threw out) - and even after CNN, NY Times and the rest of the Old Media recounted and recounted, Gore still lost, thank God!

The fact that these jackasses are trying to bring the United Nations - the most corrupt pseudo-governing body on the planet - in to police our elections is as absurd as sending Jimmy Carter to release the Iranian Hostages. These legislators should be immediately removed from their governmental seats and thrown in jail for this one.