Ariel Sharon, build up that wall!
The World Court (that still sends shivers down my spine) claims that Israel's new West Bank fence is in violation of International Law and that the U.N. Security Council should take action to force the Israelis to dismantle it.
If anyone but John Kerry and NPR-type liberals took the World Court seriously, then I suppose this would be troublesome. The World Court is just another U.N. creation to attempt to reach its Marxist arm into soverign nations and declare what will be considered legal and illegal based on the whims and opinions of tin-pot dictators like Kofi-Cup Annon. However, as the U.N. continues to be exposed for the corrupt, irrelevent hell-hole that it is - there is a shred of hope that the World Court will fall off the map, just as the U.N. hopefully will.
In this case, the Israelis have told the World Court to kindly cram it up their collective asses.
This is another reason I strongly support the Israeli government. They are seeking ways to protect their population from the Palestinian human debris bent on the slaughter of innocent Israelis. It is this type of self-determination that the U.N. and other internationalists (Kerry, et al) despise and are trying to destroy. Much as the American socialist wing is working to take away individual liberty in the States, the U.N. and World Court is trying to take away the individual soverignity of countries that don't play by their rules.
In light of this, I have some suggestions for solving many of these problems:
- First, the Israelis should finish constructing the wall, which has already proven to slow the flow of Palestinian terrorists and their handiwork.
- Next, we should fund a new wall, this one should encircle the World Court and the Hague, Netherlands. Once this wall is finished, make sure it is leak-proof, then fill it with water.
- Finally, we should go into the U.N. building in mid-town Manhattan and perform a mandatory evacuation. After all the dictators, money-launderers and other assorted scum-bags are out of the building, turn it into a combination homeless shelter/soup kitchen.
These solutions are so easy, you'd have thought someone else would have already thought of them.
UPDATE: Charles Krauthammer (Washington Post) notes that Israel is winning the struggle against Palestinian terror...
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