Saddam needs to get Saddamized

Today we had our first good look at Sodomy Insane since we dragged his worthless ass out of a rat hole earlier in the year.
After listening to Sodomy rant and rave today, we can see now where Michael Moore got many of his ideas - "Bush is the real enemy," "I am the president of Iraq," "How do I get rid of this horrible rash!?"
It will be interesting to listen to the NPR, et al, crying about how Sodomy isn't going to get a "fair trial". I suppose they think that we should give him a fair trial, much like the fair trial he gave his opponents in Iraq - just before he dropped them into wood chippers or acid baths. I wonder how fair the trials were for the women that his boys entertained in their rape rooms? How fair were the proceedings when parents were murdered in front of their children, and vice-versa?
It will be important to listen closely to the Old Media and how they treat Sodomy during this circus. My contention is that you'll get to see their true colors - the deep crimson and gold of both the Chinese & Soviet flags.
The Old Media will sympathize with Sodomy and harp on how he is presumed guilty even before trial! This type of unfair treatment is only an affront when it happens to one of their totalitarian heroes.
The Old Media and the American left turn a blind eye to these offenses when committed by their favorite dictators - Stalin, Castro, Hussein and the list goes on. As long as a dictatorship furthers their political agenda, they will lay down next to it in the spoon position, just hoping for some type of penetration.
The only trial Hussein deserves is to be dropped into Northern Iraq from a helicopter (not from an altitude that would kill him, just injure him), only to be beaten, tortured and stoned to death by the very same Kurdish population he tried to wipe out with chemical weapons the left still denies he ever had.
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