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President Junior takes a dump on the NAACP

President Junior just says no to the NAACP convention.

Well, at least President Junior made the right call on this one. All these race-baiting socialists want to do is lure him in to create a stockpile of sound bytes for the Lurch/Jethro ticket to use for the rest of the election season. The NAACP is just another special-interest that will deliver it's entire voting block for the Dim-O-Crats.

The NAACP has a long and dreadful history of licking the boots of Dim-O-Crats like Bill "America's First Black President" Clinton and Jimmy Carter, while vilifying Republicans with cries of "racist!" and "segregationist!". It has never mattered to these cretins that, if it weren't for the Republican party, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 would never have passed. It was opposed by a majority of the Dim-O-Crats that this organization is quick to climb in bed with.

Again, I digress.

While President Junior has shown an amazing lack of common sense on many domestic issues, at least he realizes that speaking to this group would be tantamount to speaking to pile of old bricks in the backyard. Why would you want to accept an invitation from a jackasses like Kweeeeezie Mfume and Julian Bond, who demonstrate their open-mindedness with comments like this:

NAACP President Kweisi Mfume told the Wilmington (N.C.) Journal this week that "Mr. Bush has now distinguished himself as the first president since Warren Harding who has not met with the NAACP. So, we've got a 95-year history and a president that's prepared to take us back to the days of Jim Crow segregation and dominance, an era where dialogue is required, not distance."


The president, though, has other reasons for dismissing the NAACP. Sources said yesterday that Mr. Bush reportedly was "personally hurt" by an ad run by a group loosely connected to the NAACP during the 2000 presidential contest, portraying him as unsympathetic to James Byrd, the black Texan who was dragged to his death by three white men.

Furthermore, NAACP Chairman Julian Bond said last year at the group's convention that Republicans appeal "to the dark underside of American culture, to that minority of Americans who reject democracy and equality."

The only reason President Junior should ever agree to speak at the NAACP convention is to say exactly what Dick Cheney said to Senator Patrick Leahy a couple of weeks ago.