Helen Thomas is still alive!?!?
Damn! Now that's news!
At a recent luncheon in Indianapolis, Helen Thomas told a group of journalistic numb-nuts that "the government lies"!
I guess this is news - if you're an old, fat, senile bag of crap like Helen. This nasty hag has been harrassing presidents - well, the Republican ones - for literally decades. The Dim-O-Crat presidents generally get a pass from her shrill media-room shrieks.
This is a particularly mean-spirited post, I realize. There are only a handful of people that irritate me to the point of vomiting out my nose and mouth, and Helen is one of them. So much so that I must admit, when I finally read the story of her passing, I will raise a glass a toast to the fact that I will never have to see or hear from her again.
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