Six Meat Buffet

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The RamaHanuKwanzMas Store is open

Over at Glenn Beck's place. Oh, you haven't heard of RamaHanuKwanzMas? It's the new Government Sanctioned™ Non-Offensive Winter Holiday guaranteed not to offend anyone but the Wiccans. They're not a big enough constituency to matter.

Start stocking up on these items for your kids, so they'll be prepared for the holidays at their Government Schools™. You may also want to send them to a Government Approved™ counseling center if they use words like "Baby Jesus" or "Christmas" or "Christ".


The MUSC Tiger is already on the RamaHanuKwanzMas case. Speaking of the Tiger, after perusing their photo gallery, they had to be swiftly moved to the Six Meat Crushes blogroll. What an oversight! This doesn't, however, mean that I'm over the ass-whoopin' that Clemson gave my beloved Vols last year in the damn Peach Bowl.

Steve the Llamabutcher doesn't know what to buy for his better half for RamaHanuKwanzMas. Go help him out.


I have moved the MUSC Tiger back to their appropriate place in the Six Meat Blogroll. Jeremy informed me that the lovely lass in the gallery is merely their "inspiration," whatever that may entail. Still, those pictures..... .... .... ......