Six Meat Buffet

This blog is the magnet, and you are steel.

If you have arrived at this site from, then either the main site is down and you've received a 404 error, or the main site is down for maintenance. If you've arrived at this site any other way, you should probably know that the Six Meat Buffet blog is actually at SixMeatBuffet.Com.

This is the backup site for use when things go wrong over at the main site. Which is not uncommon. You can always drop me a line at preston-at-sixmeatbuffet-dot-com or sixmeat-at-gmail-dot-com if you have questions.


I'm shocked! Now you really can vote for me!

By some divine intervention or catastrophic drunken error, Six Meat Buffet has made the cut in the 2004 Weblog Awards. I figure they must have just put all the candidates in a hat and I got lucky.

Anyway, I made the list of candidates for "Best New Blog". You can go vote for me here:

Also, don't forget to go to the main voting page to vote for all your favorites in all the other categories.

That is, unless you like one of the other candidates more, which is entirely possible. I'm just pleased as punch to be mentioned in the same company as Rusty, Bill, Jane, the Kerry Spot and that wiggety-whack Barking Moonbat.

Now, don't go out there and stuff the ballot box like David from ISOU. One or two votes will do - just vote like a good dim-o-crack and you'll help me out. I think the winner gets a complimentary slap across the face and a shoe in the nuts (depending on the blogger's gender, of course), but I'm not sure.