Six Meat Buffet

This blog is the magnet, and you are steel.

If you have arrived at this site from, then either the main site is down and you've received a 404 error, or the main site is down for maintenance. If you've arrived at this site any other way, you should probably know that the Six Meat Buffet blog is actually at SixMeatBuffet.Com.

This is the backup site for use when things go wrong over at the main site. Which is not uncommon. You can always drop me a line at preston-at-sixmeatbuffet-dot-com or sixmeat-at-gmail-dot-com if you have questions.


Moonbat Research

Bill at INDC has resumed his moonbat research. If you want an up-close and personal look at this mysterious creature, you owe it to yourself to go and read his exhaustive report on the not-so-elusive moonbat.

When I first started my blog-reading addiction, it was INDC's moonbat research that got me hooked. Don't miss out.