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Light blogging

Well, usually Fridays are a blogging bonanza, but Blogger (whose bonds of which I will soon be free) was down all morning. Now it looks like the afternoon is going to be busy as hell, so who knows when I'll be back.

Anyway, here are two quick reminders for you concerning two enemies of this nation:

  • Yesterday was the 25th anniversary of radical islam declaring war on America.

    (via Jawa Central) Today is the 25th anniversary of the day the jihadis declared war on America. On Nov. 4, 1979 Islamist students in Tehran overan the U.S. embassy and took 66 Americans hostage. The hostages were held for 444 days. They were released on Jan. 20, 1981--the day Ronald Reagan was sworn into office.


    September 11th may have awakened us to the fact that we were at war, but that war had been declared long ago. It was declared 25 years ago today by the extremists in Iran. Today, the Islamic Republic of Iran is seeking nuclear technology--technology that could lead to the development of nuclear weapons--and the Europeans have taken the Carter route in dealing with the mullahs. For each concession given to them by the Europeans, the jihadis in Iran see Western weakness. They saw this weakness in the US as we gave them cash in exchange for the hostages. They saw this weakness as Reagan retreated from Lebanon. We can bear to show them weakness no more.

    The time has come to realize when and who first began this Third World War of Islamists bent on taking one-third of the world back to the darkest days of the Middle Ages versus those that would see freedom and liberty become the inheritance of all mankind. That war was started 25 years ago today, and it was the Iranian revolutionaries that fired the first shot.

  • Chirac, France's sniveling socialist worm of a leader, has told Bush to shove it after Bush extended an olive branch yesterday.

    But French President Jacques Chirac — dubbed Le Worm — was doing his best to scupper bridge-building.

    He will snub a meeting with Iraqi PM Iyad Allawi in Brussels today. It is a sleight aimed at Mr Bush and Tony Blair, who back Mr Allawi.

    Chirac — who tried to stop the war to topple Saddam Hussein — will leave Brussels before the new Iraqi leader arrives.

    However Chirac DID find time to visit Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat in hospital yesterday.

    Can't we just send a couple dozen troops over to take Paris? It shouldn't take more than an afternoon or so.
As you were.