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Putin gets it

Sure, he may be bringing back the old Soviet Union, but he understands why a Bush win was so important globally. (Registration Required - user: sixmeat, pw: sixmeat)

"If Bush wins, I would feel happy that the American people have not allowed themselves to be scared and made the decision they considered reasonable," Putin said at a Kremlin news conference following talks with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

Putin said during the U.S. campaign that terror attacks in Iraq were intended to thwart Bush's re-election, and he reaffirmed that Wednesday.

Putin said U.S.-Russian relations have improved under Bush's presidency "for the benefit of our peoples and global security."

Bush has shown himself to be a "tough politician, a man with strong character ... and a predictable partner," Putin said.

Character... another reason Bush won. Along with the war on terror, character is something the left doesn't understand.