Six Meat Buffet

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I see red, I see red, I see red

(via Michelle Malkin) Speaking of maps, here's one from USA Today that displays how truly "red" this country is. This is a different kind of red than the red that colors France, Spain and the rest of Old Europe.

On an unrelated note, CNN got busted yesterday when its website (ever so discreetly) called President Junior an asshole. Details here at Wizbang. Wizbang also has this initial draft of Kerry's concession speech - it's a damn good thing they cleaned it up.

By the way, Osama bin Laden, you may have to take some time off from screwing barnyard animals in your feces-filled cave to figure out how you're going to target all that red that voted for President Bush. That's going to take a lot of work, and I don't think you're up to it, Captain Impotent.