Arafish really circling the drain this time
ABC News reports that Arafat has slipped into a coma in his luxurious French hospital. Right on Red reports that he's "clinically dead", though JWR isn't sure what that means exactly.
French President Jacques Chirac went to the hospital and saw Arafat and his wife, "to whom he expressed his best wishes," Chirac's office said. The president also met members of the Palestinian Authority and doctors "who are doing everything possible for the health of the president," Chirac's office said.
I'm sure Chirac, the spineless anti-Semite, had tears streaming down his face as he mourned the eventual loss of his spiritual leader, Arafish.
I've gone from wanting a slow, painful death for Arafish to just wanting him dead so that we can watch the Old Media wail and gnash their teeth. We'll get to watch Katie Couric go from simply wearing black every morning to wearing black AND a veil.
If Arafish kicks the bucket, this will turn out to be the best week of news ever in my lifetime. Peter Jennings may spontaneously combust during ABC News tonight! I can't wait!!!!
French doctors are denying that Arafish is dead. Other sources are claiming that Arafish is indeed pushing up daisies. Some sources are reporting that he's half dead. Another source says that he's fit as a fiddle, but dead inside. Another reports that he is brain dead - I could have told you that.
Johnny Walker Red has nominated Jimmy Carter to take Arafish's place as head of the PLO. Thanks for making me spew Coke all over my monitor, JWR.
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