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Why the long face?

Oh yeah, you lost, you elitist euro-socialist-wannabe bastard.

CNN is reporting that when Lurch called Junior to concede, he essentially lectured Junior about how we're a "divided country" and that he needs to do something to fix it.

Well, Senator, you, George Soros, Michael Moore and your Old Media cronies did everything you could to lie, cheat and poison this election - lying about the draft, aligning yourselves (essentially) with Al Qaeda, twisting the events of 9/11, politicizing the war in Iraq, cheapening the lives of our military men and women, the list is endless. The people responsible for dividing this country are from YOUR CAMP!

The only thing that needs to come out of your mouth is a concession and an apology.

Some blogs are gloating, some blogs are pledging to forgive and forget, and some blogs are giving those gloating blogs a blog-spanking.

For those of you who are taking the high road and calling Lurch a "statesman" or "dignified," good for you.

While he has shown more class than Gore showed in 2000 (which doesn't take much), he's still responsible for everything his side did during this election. He's still responsible for stabbing his fellow soldiers in the back. He's still responsible for using our fighting men and women as political tools during wartime. He's still an insufferable elitist blood-sucking scumbag bastard.

If he were really a gentleman, he would have stepped down from his seat in the Senate like Bob Dole did in 1996. He didn't because he's not.

I have no problem being gracious and forgiving when both parties have fought hard and fought fair, but in this case, one party fought fair, while the other party joined forces with countless liars, criminals and miscreants and tried to cheat their way to victory.

Luckily for all of us they failed. And to all of you who poisoned this election with your hate-Bush rhetoric and fabrications, cram it in your ass until it comes out your mouth.