Six Meat Buffet

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Duplicitous Daschle delightfully dumped

Perhaps the best story to come out of this week's election - running neck-and-neck with the Bush victory and the extra GOP seats in the House and Senate - was the demise of Tom Daschle.

In addition to being one of Congress' biggest obstructionists and class-warfare proponents, Daschle has been in the pockets of the trial lawyers and unions for more years than anyone can remember. The only Dim-O-Cracks possibly more nauseating in Congress might be Nancy Pelosi or Hitlery Clinton.

It is a sheer delight to watch Daschle hop on his rickety old diseased fleabag of a horse and ride off to the political landfill where he, Tom Foley and George Mitchell can all give each other handjobs, dreaming of a day when their socialist utopia might finally come true.......