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Caving into peer pressure

I was a little late to work this morning - I had to stop by my local polling place and intimidate some elderly and minority voters.

Now that I'm here, blood-covered brass knuckles and all, I'm noticing that all the bloggers are tossing off their election predictions. Consequently, I'm caving into peer pressure and tossing mine off as well.

I'm hoping that I'm as accurate with this prediction as I am with my weekly college football pool (I'm at the bottom of the standings, by the way).

Sadly, I have a gut feeling that Kerry is going to pull this one off. Bush wins Florida, but loses Ohio, Michigan, Jersey, Pennsylvania AND the coveted 4 electrical college votes from Hawaii.

For you people who are going to correct me for using the term "electrical college", I know it's actually "Electoral College". On some tedious news report during the 2000 election, I heard an idiotic Florida voter use the term "electrical college" and I'll never say it the same way again.

My friend Leo says Bush wins the popular vote but loses in the Electrical College. Wouldn't that be a kick in the nuts? Maybe we'd all become brutally insane like Algore if that happened.

So there you go, sorry for the negative gut feeling, but that's all I've got to go on. Here's hoping I'm wrong.

Other predictions:

Right on Red: BUSH
Blogs of War: BUSH
Wizbang: BUSH
The Jawa Report: KERRY
Spoons: KERRY
Ace of Spades: Just go enter his election contest
Les Jones: Huge roundup of predictions - check them out
Bill Hobbs: BUSH
The Venomous One: BUSH in a blowout
In the Bullpen: BUSH
Dizzy Girl: BUSH
Passionate America: Landslide victory for Nerf Hoffelmeyer
Little Miss Attila: BUSH in a landslide