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Too Much Perspective

Does anyone really remember how you felt after 9/11 - which was, incidentally, three years ago this coming Saturday?

That feeling is back for me and I'm trying to fight it off. I'm not sure if I should, though. This state-of-mind has returned primarily because of the slaughter in Russia last week, with the 9/11 anniversary playing a small part as well. It's a matter of having way too much perspective.

After islamofascists flew airliners into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, I spent the first few days in shock and denial - I think that's how a good number of us reacted. Some of us - particularly those on the political left - are still in denial to this day.

Shortly thereafter, my mood changed to depression mixed with rage mixed with sorrow mixed with hopelessness mixed with disbelief. Another thing I noticed at the time was the inability to laugh. I have always been able to find humor in most any situation, but for weeks and weeks, I had no sense of humor. For that time, I knew what it was like to be an accountant or postal worker.

In the wake of the Russian school slaughter, I've slipped back into humorlessness. In many ways, the incident in Russia was worse than the 9/11 attacks. While 3,000 people died in the U.S. attacks, they were done in an instantaneous fashion - and the only people who got to witness the brutality of the hijackers were those who perished on the planes, as they witnessed the throat-slitting murders of flight attendants and pilots.

The hijackers simply blew themselves up in an instant, devastating the lives of thousands of Americans - that, coupled with instilling worldwide terror and panic, was their goal.

In the Russian slaughter, these vile sub-human stool samples spent three days murdering children and adults in front of other children. They spent three days raping school girls. They spent three days setting off bombs - torturing kids with the threats of more explosions. They shot children in the back. They stabbed babies when they ran out of ammunition. They bayoneted a child who asked for water.

Since the dawn of time, there are countless examples of this kind of inhumanity and cruelty. However, I can't imagine any acts more cowardly and more purely evil than what these gutless motherfuckers spent three days performing - and, worse yet, documenting on film.

It is my sincere hope that the islamofascist murders that died in the seige are currently enduring an eternity of unending torture in hell even as I type. My hope is that they pray to allah, finding no relief for the rest of time. I also hope that those that escaped are not brought to trial in an "international court," as this would only produce a slap on the wrist with some whispers of "good work..." while the cameras are off. Instead, I hope that they are caught by whatever means necessary, and tortured until every bit of terrorism-related intel can be extracted from them, then painfully executed and what's left of them buried in a pork casket.

That being said, I'm going to attempt to pull out of this funk. The more I obsess over islamofascism's assault on civilization, the less I will be able to enjoy all of the blessings and freedoms that I have as an American.

I hope to find a balance between being informed, aware and vigilant while still enjoying life. If I remain this ultra-serious and depressed, I'll start acting like a humorless liberal, spending my time listening to NPR, watching Michael Moore movies and reading the New Yorker at Starbucks. Now that truly would be depressing.

9/9 UPDATE: Via The Politicker:

Ralph Peters of the New York Post has an excellent column making similar observations. It's well worth a full read and it's brief and to the point. Some bits:

THE mass murder of children revolts the human psyche. Herod sending his henchmen to massacre the infants of Bethlehem haunts the Gospels. Nothing in our time was crueler than what the Germans did to children during the Holocaust. Slaughtering the innocents violates a universal human taboo. Or a nearly universal one. Those Muslims who preach Jihad against the West decided years ago that killing Jewish or Christian children is not only acceptable, but pleasing to their god when done by "martyrs."

It isn't politically correct to say this, of course. We're supposed to pretend that Islam is a "religion of peace." All right, then: It's time for Muslims to stand up for the once-noble, nearly lost traditions of their faith and condemn what Arab and Chechen terrorists and blasphemers did in the Russian town of Beslan.


The mass hostage situation wasn't about Chechen rebels (and at least 10 Arabs) opposing the Russian government. It was a continuation of the universal struggle between good and evil. And there is no doubt which side is evil, scorned though the word may be by our own elite.

How can any human being with a shred of conscience dismiss what occurred in that school as anything less than evil?

The attack in Beslan wasn't about Russia's brutal incompetence in Chechnya, as counter-productive as Moscow's grim heavy-handedness may have been. It was about religious bigotry so profound that the believer can hold a gun to a child's head, pull the trigger and term the act "divine justice."

Make no mistake: No blame attaches to the Russians for the massacre at that school. The guilt is entirely upon the Islamic extremists who have led the religion they claim to cherish into the realms of nightmare.

And what about those loving protesters on the left?

A final thought: Did any of those protesters who came to Manhattan to denounce our liberation of 50 million Muslims stay an extra day to protest the massacre in Russia? Of course not.

The protesters no more care for dead Russian children than they care for dead Kurds or for the hundreds of thousands of Arabs that Saddam Hussein executed. Or for the ongoing Arab-Muslim slaughter of blacks in Sudan. Nothing's a crime to those protesters unless the deed was committed by America.

The butchery in Russia was a crime against humanity. In every respect. Was any war ever more necessary or just than the War on Terror?

"Nothing is a crime to those protestors unless the deed was commited by America."

That's all you need to know about the radical left, the ANSWER crowd and the useful idiots who inhabit the dim-o-crack party. When you've spent your life attaching the term "evil" to Ronald Reagan, Halliburton, Robert Bork, Enron and George Bush, you forfeit your right to make any value judgments whatsoever.

The fact that you've heard a lot of silence from the left on this is a reminder that their shoddy belief system is threatened whenever news of islamofascism's brutal reality leaks out, and that news must be swept under the rug as quickly as possible - just as the media has buried the images from 9/11.