Speaking of Iran...
Via FrontPageMag.Com:
Iran is promising that "the White House's 80 years of exclusive rule are likely to become 80 seconds of hell that will burn to ashes. Those who resist Iran will be struck from directions they never expected".
The question is, now that we've established a beach-head in Iraq, when are we going to end the politically correct version of the war and truly clamp down on Iraq so that we can deal with the bigger threat - Iran?
I already know the answer if Lurch & John Boy get in... they'll meekly request that the United Nations wag their finger at Iran's nuclear program and tell them they better stop, and we really mean it! After which, we'll all be enjoying our new glow from the nuclear fallout brought to you the good mullahs of Iran, Syria and their partners in crime, the Saudis.
If President Junior gets re-elected, will he continue to get on his knees and pray at the doorsteps of the Iraqi mosques, or actually kill the terrorists that use them as hiding places and ammo dumps? Or will we have to wait on Israel to take care of the nuclear problem for us, as they did with Iraq in the early 1980s?
I'm not seeing a silver lining here - somebody please provide one at your earliest convenience. Thanks in advance.
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