Six Meat Buffet

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Wictory Wednesday

Today is Wictory Wednesday. No, the "W" doesn't stand for wrong this and wrong that. I wonder who at the Lurch/John Boy camp thought that one up. What a bunch of idiots. Anyway, I digress as usual.

Wictory Wednesday is a chance for right-thinking bloggers to come together and encourage people to volunteer to help President Bush get re-elected. Ironically, you can't donate money now, due to McCain/Feingold, which the President gleefully signed (that's another story for another day), but you can still volunteer and/or at least try to get people in your sphere of influence to vote the right way.

There is a clear right and wrong in this election - if you want appeasers, terrorist apologists, weakness, socialized medicine, gutting of the military, U.N. control of our national defense, and more, then by all means, vote for the Lurch/John Boy ticket. If you would like to continue fighting the war on terror offensively instead of sitting back waiting for the next strike in the U.S., then you must vote for President Bush - and encourage others to do so as well.

The only issue that matters in this election is the war on terror and the only candidate that understands the realities of the threat is President Bush.