More details emerge
Via Allah:
News and video continue to seep out of Russia in the aftermath of last week's display by the Religion of Peace. I'm not going to go into too many details because, as I continue to read more and learn more, I am increasingly nauseated and filled with a rage I haven't felt since 9/11.
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Here's a shot from the school - a terrified Russian boy getting a first hand indoctrination into the world of islam. There are more pictures here and here if you have the stomach for it. It's understandable if you can't handle the photos and the stories, but if you want to learn about the religion of peace, this is your chance. Additionally, if you can imagine this, the chechens videotaped themselves slaughtering and raping children during the standoff. I won't be watching the videos, but Rusty Shackleford has more video, pics and news from the seige.
I've read the usual bullshit from the NY Times - "this conflict goes back a long time - it's too nuanced to be thought about in such simple terms." The fact is, at least 10 of the terrorists were not Chechen at all - they were arab. This was a joint effort between Al Qaeda and islamic Chechen rebels to attack a common enemy - Moscow. Even Putin is blaming the attack on the West.
MEMRI (Middle-East Media Research Institute) has arab and muslim reaction to last week's events in Russia. Listen to these strong words from Egypt:
An editorial in the Egyptian government daily Al-Ahram said: "The events in the city of Beslan are an ugly crime against humanity. It is impossible that those who carried out the operation had a [legitimate] problem or that they [acted out of] religious belief. This is a group of criminal murderers, and everyone responsible for this crime must be hunted down and brought to trial in an international court. The time has come for everyone to accept as a first principle the sanctity of life and [the obligation] to avoid harming civilians…"
Boy, there's a strong statement from our friends in Egypt. Dig the phrasing, "hunted down and brought to trial in an international court." That will instill terror in the hearts of terrorists everywhere. And I'm sure they reaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllly mean it. And from the warm-hearted Palestinians:
Palestinian columnist Hasan Al-Batal wrote in the PA daily Al-Ayyam under the title "Arab Disgrace in Beslan:" "The day of horror in the school in Beslan, September 1, should be designated an international day for the condemnation of terror, as has been done with other international events… The Arab League Council should visit to show their sympathy with the Russian people and a delegation of Arab leaders should travel to Moscow…
What, travel to Moscow to kill more children? And what do we hear from the government-run Saudi press?
Under the title "Butchers in the Name of Allah," columnist Khaled Hamad Al-Suleiman wrote in the Saudi government daily Okaz: "The propagandists of Jihad succeeded in the span of a few years in distorting the image of Islam, while the enemies of Islam did not succeed in doing this [even] in the course of hundreds of years. They turned today's Islam into something having to do with decapitations, the slashing of throats, abducting innocent civilians and exploding people. They have fixed the image of Muslims in the eyes of the world as barbarians and savages who are not good for anything except slaughtering people…
"The time has come for Muslims to be the first to come out against those interested in abducting Islam in the same way they abducted innocent children. This is the true Jihad these days and this is our obligation, as believing Muslims, towards our monotheistic religion…"
"The time has come for Muslims to be the first to come out against those interested in abducting Islam in the same way they abducted innocent children. This is the true Jihad these days and this is our obligation, as believing Muslims, towards our monotheistic religion…"
It's a little late for us to believe this from the Saudis, since 19 of them slaughtered 3,000+ Americans just three years ago. That may be news to the Old Media, but, yes, 9/11 did happen - it even made the newspapers!
Oh, wait, how can I forget, it's all the JEWS' fault. Thanks for reminding me, Qatar!
Columnist Ghassan Makhal wrote in the Qatari daily Al-Sharq: "Who stands behind the hostage-taking operation? The Russian government blamed the Chechens but to this day it has not divulged a single name of anyone involved in the operation - this despite the fact that it holds, by its own admission, the bodies of over thirty people. Chechen President and rebel Aslan Maskhadov also said that the Chechens have nothing to do with the operation…
"It is likely that the downing of the planes in Moscow [sic] and the operation against the school in Beslan were part of the struggle that the Putin government is waging against the [Russian] mafia, which has ties to Israel. Therefore it is possible that the Russian Foreign Minister is in Israel in order to negotiate and reach an agreement, or at least to obtain a promise from Sharon that he will mediate [between the government] and this mafia."
"It is likely that the downing of the planes in Moscow [sic] and the operation against the school in Beslan were part of the struggle that the Putin government is waging against the [Russian] mafia, which has ties to Israel. Therefore it is possible that the Russian Foreign Minister is in Israel in order to negotiate and reach an agreement, or at least to obtain a promise from Sharon that he will mediate [between the government] and this mafia."
Don't expect an outpouring of sympathy from the American muslim community. They're too busy feeling put-upon by all us mean Zionists who spend our day discriminating against them. (Via Say Anything)
There's plenty more out there in the blogosphere as the story continues to come to light. Other bloggers:
Little Green Footballs
Blogs of War
Jihad Watch
Say Anything
There's plenty more to be had, just found these in my regular browsing.
I've said it before, and, of course, I'll say it again. This is the face of islamofascism. This is what we could easily wake up to in anytown U.S.A. If you're going sit back with the leftist apologists and appeasers in this country (there are too many to list, but here's a few: Kerry, Edwards, Clinton, Moore, Rall, Rather/Brokaw/Jennings, Couric, shit, the list goes on and on), then you have no one but yourself to blame when you or a family member is blown up, beheaded, burned or otherwise treated to an "introduction to jihad." The terror cells are here and are well funded. If you find yourself willing to defend a culture that produces the kind of sub-human filth that would bayonet and shoot children in the back, you need to seriously think about what the fuck is wrong with you.
At least one Iraqi columnist seems to be catching on:
Iraqi columnist Aziz Al-Hajj wrote on the progressive Internet site "What kind of national cause is this that uses children like gasoline for igniting a total war of destruction in the name of national and religious liberty?… The Islamic-Arab terrorism has turned into the greatest danger in the world, and threatens civilization, security, and life everywhere. It is today the symbol of evil, religious fanaticism, and moral degradation, and it is the essence of political crime in today's world… Islamic terrorism is the outcome of 'moderate' political Islam, as it is generally described. The latest proof of this is Sheikh [Yousef] Al-Qaradhawi's religious legal ruling [ fatwa ] calling for the killing of all Americans in Iraq…
"The Arabs and the Muslims today contribute nothing to civilization and progress except for blood, severed heads, scorched bodies, and the abduction and murder of children. The Jihad for religion and Arab chivalry have turned into the art of exploding, booby-trapping, and spilling blood. What an innovation and what a social contribution the Arabs have made in the 21st century!!"
"The Arabs and the Muslims today contribute nothing to civilization and progress except for blood, severed heads, scorched bodies, and the abduction and murder of children. The Jihad for religion and Arab chivalry have turned into the art of exploding, booby-trapping, and spilling blood. What an innovation and what a social contribution the Arabs have made in the 21st century!!"
9/8/04 UPDATE: Johnny Walker Red has a great roundup of blogosphere coverage of the islamic terrorists' actions last week.
As usual, he examined a different angle of the story - by not only rounding up the conservative bloggers' information, but also the coverage by leftist bloggers. The differences are vast and telling.
Most of the self-proclaimed leftist bloggers either ignored the story or blamed the U.S. and the west for causing the circumstances from where people could express their political differences by bayonetting, raping, blowing up and stabbing children. To the left, that's just political self-expression.
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