Putin is not our friend?
Allahpundit has been gracious enough to remind us that Vlad Putin is not our friend.
There's nothing like grief to shorten people's memories. As Allah looks around the 'sphere, he finds many fine folks responding to the horror in Beslan with not only sympathy for the victims of the attack but solidarity with Vladimir Putin and Russia as a whole.
Allah hates to spoil the pity party, but in case it wasn't already abundantly clear after shit like this and this and this, Vladimir Putin is not your friend. Just ask him yourself.
Allah hates to spoil the pity party, but in case it wasn't already abundantly clear after shit like this and this and this, Vladimir Putin is not your friend. Just ask him yourself.
Allah reminds us of the history of Putin's behind-the-scenes support of Iraq throughout, and up until the end of, the Hussein "administration". He also provides some more news from last week's school slaughter, noting that while Putin shows his grief to the public, out of the other side of his mouth, he is helping Iran with its nuclear program so that the islamofascists can turn more schools and cities into piles of burned out rubble littered with the bodies of infidels.
I had forgotten much of this history myself until Allah reminded me. It doesn't change the grief I feel for the families of the slaughtered, but it does temper my solidarity with Putin's gang. Will Putin learn from this? I suppose we'll see soon enough.
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