Six Meat Buffet

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Does anyone else feel drained?

It's been a damn busy week in the world of politics/current events. I'm feeling pretty spent as a result of it. Plus work has sucked, but that's another story for another day.

Consequently, it's time for some college football picks for the coming weekend.

Tennessee 20 UNLV 12
Memphis 29 Ole Miss 24
Vanderbilt 24 South Carolina 22
LSU 34 Oregon St. 19
Alabama 1, Utah State 0

In other news... Bill Clinton is having bypass surgery. Get well soon, Bubba. Hurricane Frances is weakening. They're still sorting out the aftermath of the Russian school hostage situation. At least President Junior is laying the blame on the situation where it belongs - with the terrorists.

In election news, this headline is "Bush and Kerry Hit Road, Trade Blows on Jobs." Am I the only one who sees a joke in there somewhere?

Blogging may or may not be light this holiday weekend. I'm heading out of town and I'm not sure if I'll have a good web connection - and even if I do, I don't know how much time I'll get, so we'll see.