Six Meat Buffet

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DMB: Shitty Rock Band

I knew the Dave Matthews Band was shitty, but this is really going too far.

Rock star Dave Matthews and his tour bus driver are facing a filthy lawsuit.

The Illinois Attorney General's office says they're responsible for dumping up to 100-gallons of raw human waste from a tour bus onto the Kinzie Street Bridge earlier this month.

The nasty mess rained down on passengers aboard a sightseeing boat two weeks ago.

So their neo-hippie, music-school-intellectual art-rock wasn't enough to dump on the public? They had to dump this too!?!?

UPDATE: I just realized that this brings up an important question: Does this mean that the Dave Matthews Cover Band (DMCB, to those in the know) will have to rent a tour bus, and dump 100 gallons of their fecal matter in a similar location in tribute to the DMB?