Six Meat Buffet

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When Will This Madman be Stopped!?

Al Gore gets speeding ticket in Oregon.

When will this criminally insane lawbreaker finally be put behind bars for good???

First, he took illegal campaign cash from Buddhist monks. Then he attempted to steal the 2000 Presidential election and re-write election law through his excessive lawsuit-filing. Now he's endangered Oregonians with his homicidally reckless driving.

You may think that driving 75 in a 55 is "no big deal", but he could have easily crashed his fossil-fuel burning rental car into oncoming traffic. He could have run over a moose or some other innocent wildlife - perhaps an endangered grouse or river otter. Or - worst case scenario - he could have veered off the roadway and damaged a tree - perhaps a tree that in which Julia Butterfly Hill once sat and worshipped Gaia.

These possibilities are all too horrific to even consider - so, I beg you, Oregon State Police - lock this madman up before he commits another crime!