More from Grouchy Old Pat Buchanan
Drudge has a unveiled a sneak preview of Pat Buchanan's new book - Where the Right Went Wrong.
Some snippets:
On Conservatives and Conservatism:
"There is no conservative party left in Washington. Conservative thinkers and writers who were to be the watchdogs of orthodoxy have been as vigilant in policing party deviations from principle as was Cardinal Law in collaring the predator-priests of the Boston archdiocese."(Page 9)
"There is no conservative party left in Washington. Conservative thinkers and writers who were to be the watchdogs of orthodoxy have been as vigilant in policing party deviations from principle as was Cardinal Law in collaring the predator-priests of the Boston archdiocese."(Page 9)
I've been barking up this tree since 2001. As I've said before, I'm a Bush supporter and I'll be backing him this November, but you're fooling yourself (or simply not paying attention) if you refer to him as "conservative."
On China-U.S. Collision:
"In Asia, China is the rising power, America the receding one."(127)
"As China is the one nation with the size, population, ideology and power to contest the United States for hegemony in Asia, is war inevitable? "Answer: No more inevitable than was war between Germany and Great Britain in 1914."(144)
On Bush "Free Trade" Policies:
"It is false to say President Bush presided over a 'jobless recovery.' His trade deficits have created many millions of jobs in China."(167)
"Free trade is the serial killer of American manufacturing and the Trojan Horse of World Government. It is the primrose path to the loss of economic independence and national sovereignty. Free trade is a bright shining lie." (171)
Globalization "is the economic treason that dare not speak it name."(173)
"The Republican Party has signed off on economic treason."(8)
On Bush-Republican Fiscal Policy:
"Bush has compiled a fiscal record of startling recklessness."(175)
"There is no conservative party in Washington. There is a Democratic Party of tax-and-spend and a Republican Party of guns and butter and tax cuts, too. Washington is all accelerator, the brakes are gone."(177)
"In Asia, China is the rising power, America the receding one."(127)
"As China is the one nation with the size, population, ideology and power to contest the United States for hegemony in Asia, is war inevitable? "Answer: No more inevitable than was war between Germany and Great Britain in 1914."(144)
On Bush "Free Trade" Policies:
"It is false to say President Bush presided over a 'jobless recovery.' His trade deficits have created many millions of jobs in China."(167)
"Free trade is the serial killer of American manufacturing and the Trojan Horse of World Government. It is the primrose path to the loss of economic independence and national sovereignty. Free trade is a bright shining lie." (171)
Globalization "is the economic treason that dare not speak it name."(173)
"The Republican Party has signed off on economic treason."(8)
On Bush-Republican Fiscal Policy:
"Bush has compiled a fiscal record of startling recklessness."(175)
"There is no conservative party in Washington. There is a Democratic Party of tax-and-spend and a Republican Party of guns and butter and tax cuts, too. Washington is all accelerator, the brakes are gone."(177)
As usual, Pat spouts off a good deal of stuff I don't agree with - for example, he always tends to lean towards supporting the Palestinians, no matter what they do. Israel can do no right, and the Palestinians no wrong in his eyes. Does that mean he's an anti-semite? I don't know - but he's always coming down on the side of Al-Jizzeira (sic) when the issue is what to do about Islamofascism. Pat is also an isolationist to a fault. I am all for national soverignity, but Pat would have us withdraw completely from the rest of the world, even when it comes to defending our interests and safety.
Where Pat is right, however, is his analysis of conservatism and the implosion of the Republican party. There is no party - short of the Libertarians, who are too damned stoned to get anything done - that practices fiscal restraint and smaller government.
I'll have to pick this one up and read it, much as I did Death of the West. It's always an education with Pat - even when he goes off the rails.
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