More Government Run Amok
I guess I've been out of the loop - just discovered this item courtesy of Neal Boortz.
Caught on tape: Cops use taser on man trying to get home.
Understandably, there are a lot of pissed off people in the wake of Hurricane Charley and the local authorities aren't helping the situation with horseshit like this. Per Boortz:
By now you've already seen the video. It's been on most of the cable news channels, including Fox News and CNN. It's a videotape of Ft. Meyers police stunning a citizen with an electric shock because he tried to drive by them to get to his home .... HIS HOME ... four days after the passage of Hurricane Charley. This man was shot with a stun gun, dragged out his car in front of his children, thrown on the ground, handcuffed and taken to jail ... because he wanted to go home.
Even before this hurricane hit I was telling you that people would refuse to abide by evacuation orders, not because they wanted to defy death by facing down a hurricane, but because they didn't want to be prevented from returning to their homes after the hurricane passed. Now the Ft. Meyers police have brilliantly demonstrated just what I was talking about.
For most of us our homes are the biggest investment we will ever make. Most of us have the bulk of our net worth tied up in our homes. When we protect and defend our homes we are protecting a good portion of our life's work and the very basis of our financial security. These police in Ft. Meyers got between a man and his home ... and that's never a real good place to make a stand.
Yes, I understand that there are safety concerns. Fine. Tell the people that returning to their home might be dangerous, and then let them make an informed decision as to whether or not they wish to undertake that risk. Our laws will permit us to jump out of perfectly good airplanes, ride boats through the Grand Canyon and have unprotected sex with strangers, but we can't go back to our homes after a hurricane?
Even before this hurricane hit I was telling you that people would refuse to abide by evacuation orders, not because they wanted to defy death by facing down a hurricane, but because they didn't want to be prevented from returning to their homes after the hurricane passed. Now the Ft. Meyers police have brilliantly demonstrated just what I was talking about.
For most of us our homes are the biggest investment we will ever make. Most of us have the bulk of our net worth tied up in our homes. When we protect and defend our homes we are protecting a good portion of our life's work and the very basis of our financial security. These police in Ft. Meyers got between a man and his home ... and that's never a real good place to make a stand.
Yes, I understand that there are safety concerns. Fine. Tell the people that returning to their home might be dangerous, and then let them make an informed decision as to whether or not they wish to undertake that risk. Our laws will permit us to jump out of perfectly good airplanes, ride boats through the Grand Canyon and have unprotected sex with strangers, but we can't go back to our homes after a hurricane?
The question remains, how much do we really need government protecting us from ourselves? We've got too much of that going on as it is, and we certainly don't need overzealous Barney Fife-types tasering homeowners in front of their kids. This is one of those rare situations where I would be happy to see a lawsuit emerge against these pricks. Hurricane or no hurricane, this is crap.
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