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Reason # 45,167 to hate the French

Versailles, France: Mother, baby attacked on train.

For the French, it's just another case of "here we go again..." Some of France's finest imported muslims attacked a woman and her baby because they thought she was a Jew.

These gutsy young men - showing the kind of bravery often seen in the Religion of Peace - robbed the woman, drew swastikas on her body and overturned her baby carriage, dumping out her 13-month-old baby.

Not that this will be a surprise to anyone, but what did the other brave passengers on the train do to help? In fine anti-semitic French tradition, they looked the other way.

Thanks, France. In a decade or so, when your worthless shit-hole of a country has become a muslim theocracy, don't come crying to us. We've bailed you out for the last time.

UPDATE: It now appears that the woman made the whole story up.

While this demonstrates that yet another Frenchie is insane, it doesn't change the fact that anti-Semitism in France is epidemic. It also doesn't change the fact that France is well on its way to being completely over-run by "peace-loving" muslims. So, while the story is bunk, the cynical commentary remains.