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Sunday night roundup

I'm breaking the Fourth Blog Commandment, but so what? Who the hell does Rusty think he is? Moses?

The cheating continues in the Bloggies. Even the Daily Kock is getting in on the cheating. Hell, the damn liberals can't help but cheat - even when it's something as innocuous as the bloggies. Cheating is in their blood - consequence-free dishonesty is their birthright.

All the while, Jane continues to attack me personally, repeatedly hurting my feelings. So much so, that I believe I've developed PEST Syndrome.

In more serious news, Chad at ITB has the story of two French islamofascists who died (thankfully) recently in Iraq fighting for the insurgency. I can't say that the death of two islamist frogs breaks my heart, but Chad adds that Europe is not only becoming over-run with islamic middle-easterners, but it's fast becoming a breeding ground for converting disaffected youth into jihadists.

Jeff brings us a public safety message. Stay alert. Open window alert code is currently turquoise.

(Via Cranky Neocon) Slaglerock has a very good idea on how you can help support the troops. However, the deadline is Dec. 17. All it really entails, is to write a letter of support and thanks. Per Slaglerock:

So here is what we need to do. Bloggers, I urge each and every one of you to write your own letter to the troops overseas. Make it a general open letter to any Soldier, Sailor, Airman or Marine. Keep in mind that the people reading this letters will be both male and female of all ages, ethnic origins and religions. Once your letter is posted, please trackback to this post so that I may find and print your letter. Please direct your readers to this effort as well. Non-bloggers, please leave your open letter of support in the comment section of this post. While it is possible for you to email me your letters, I'd like to see them in the comments so that troops overseas can access and read them online.

Our deadline for this endeavor will be the 17th of December. That will give me the time necessary to print all of the letters and have them ready to go. I will also be printing a sheet with the URL's of all bloggers who participate.

I'll be joining in, and with all the anti-American vomit that our fighting men and women are undoubtedly hearing from the Old Media, I'm sure they'll appreciate hearing from those of us who truly appreciate their sacrifices.

Last but not least, I'm going to have fashion nightmares tonight thanks to Jennifer.