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Layin' the smack down on the Religion of Peace™

Macktastic Rusty Wicked has been layin' it down this week on the Religion of Peace™.

After enduring threatening e-mails - primarily from the socialist utopia of Europe - Wicked said, bring it on, bitches! Some choice quotes:

An Imam and Kofi Annan walk down the street and see a little boy. The Imam says "lets screw him" and Annan says "out of what?"

Q: What did Muhammed's navy and camels have in common?
A: They're both full of Mujahadin seamen

Oh, there's more. A few folks finally brought it on, but their hate mail wasn't very well-written or effective. Islamofascists are notoriously bad communicators. They spend too much time in jihad class and not enough working on basic reading and writing skills. Their "three Rs" are ramadan, rape and ruin.

Then Macktastic shared the story of yet another California-bred jihadist who says that among other crucial life-lessons, muhammad taught him how to take a dump. Well, besides slaughter and pedophilia, that's one of the only endeavors at which he excelled, so why not?

And to top it off, he reminded us that al jizziera is actually a tool of the Zionists. I guess that explains all the jew-killing propaganda they spew. It's reverse psychology, you know.

Just a few more reasons why I'm a mark for the Jawas.