Six Meat Buffet

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Speaking of groups that are off limits

Apparently, you're not supposed to speak ill will of the Hmongs either, under penalty of getting shot in the back on your own property.

Say Uncle has been all over the Hmong hunter shooting in Wisconsin since it broke. Along the way, he also linked to Reasonable Nut, which did some rather humorous and pointed analysis of the the media coverage of murderous Hmong Chai Soua Vang's rampage.

Shortly thereafter, a very angry pro-Hmong blog appeared. The only purpose for this blog's existence appeared to be to attack Reasonable Nut - even offering up a not-so-veiled death threat. As Say Uncle so deftly put it, "You know you've arrived in the blogosphere when you have a blog, and then someone creates a blog that is one big death threat to you."

So I guess I shouldn't mention all the stories my friend Leo Oshkosh (who grew up in Wisconsin and was well acquanted with the Hmongs) told me about how the Hmongs used to wear diapers at the Indian casinos so that they wouldn't lose their slot machines. That was one of the more flattering stories he imparted to me.

Speaking of casinos, that may explain those nauseating odors I always smell when I'm fornicating with lady luck down in Tunica.