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Yet another busy day for the Islamofascists

An American, a Nepalese and four Iraqi guards have been taken hostage in Baghdad.

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Gunmen kidnapped an American, a Nepali and two Arab men from their Baghdad office on Monday, police said. "They stormed the villa with automatic rifles and rocket- propelled grenades. They had no chance," said a policeman. A company guard was killed in the attack, he said.

The four worked for Saudi Arabian Trading and Contracting Company (Satco), a Riyadh-based company owned by Saudi and Lebanese businessmen which supplies U.S. forces in Iraq, said executives who know the company.

No group has yet claimed responsibility, but you can bet that the group prays five times a day facing Mecca.

Additionally, a Palestinian teenager has blown himself up in a Tel Aviv Market - undoubtedly being used as a cover for Israeli military operations - killing 3 Israelis and wounding 32.

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) - A Palestinian teenager laden with explosives walked into a crowded outdoor market and blew himself up Monday, killing three Israelis, wounding 32 and scattering bloody vegetables and spices along the ground.

The attack tested Israel's promise to show restraint as the ailing Yasser Arafat received medical treatment in France, and undercut efforts by Palestinian officials to convey a sense of normalcy in the absence of their leader.

Seems like the sense of normalcy has been acheived - the slaughter of innocent Israeli civilians is on the average Palestinian to-do-list.

Alfar was only 16 years old, one of the youngest Palestinian suicide bombers, and his parents lashed out at the militants who recruited him.

"It's immoral to send someone so young," said Samir Abdullah, 45, Alfar's mother. "They should have sent an adult who understands the meaning of his deeds."

Abdel Rahim, 53, Alfar's father, said his son woke him up early Monday and asked for two shekels (50 cents) before leaving.

"Two shekels, that's what boys ask for - it's not money for men," he said. "He kissed me on the cheek and hand and left and I went back to sleep."

The murderer's parents are angry at the militants who recruited their son because he was too young. So, the act itself was completely acceptable, if they had just recruited an adult for the mission. What a poisoned subculture.