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Let me repeat: the French are our enemy

Iraqi terrorists hand over French hostages.

What more proof do you need that the French have been in collusion with the islamofascists all along? They are allies, only because they have a common enemy: the United States.

The French are quick to cooperate with any islamists because their own open borders have allowed their muslim immigrant population to spread like wildfire - making them a highly influential political force. Additionally, due to the violent and brutal nature of the jihadists, this is one special interest group that has to be cow-towed to, under penalty of death.

In American politics, we have our own special interest groups, but the only threats they make are withholding voting blocs. When you have an islamofascist special interest group the size of the one in France, it's no wonder the French government pays them protection money as if they were a schoolyard bully demanding their milk money.

This is just another in a long line of reasons to despise the French and hate the terrorists. It's hard to say which is worse - the terrorists or the governments that empower and enable them.

Rusty over at mypetjawa is justifiably pissed off and I share his rage. His take:

What????!!!!??? Are you fu**ing kidding me? 31 other hostages are dead! 31!!!! And two fu**ing frog journalists are threatened with death and the whole fu**ing Islamic world rises up to their defense? Just last night three Turkish hostages were murdered. Three...yesterday!!! The day before that TWELVE!!! You sons of whores in the Islamic world. You bastards. Where were you when Kim Sun-Il begged for his life? When Enzo Baldoni was awaiting his certain death sentence, why were you not out protesting for his release? For a month 12 Nepalese hostages plead for their lives, where were you? You bastards. You bloody bastards. Damn you for this. Damn you to hell.

I second that emotion.

Other folks on the case: Backcountry Conservative, In The Bullpen.