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Russian school terror update

Two new items this morning in the continued standoff between Russian authorities and Chechen islamofascists.

First, there have been two big explosions heard coming from the school. There don't seem to me many more details than that at this point.

Second, the Russian FSA has ruled out the use of force in freeing the hostages. It looks like they're trying to avoid the blood bath that happened when islamofascists attacked a theater in 2002 resulting in more than 100 deaths, from what I recall.

I'm sure more news will break during the day - I'll try to provide some links to information as I find it.

1:45 PM UPDATE: "Militants" release 31 hostages. They're still calling them militants, of course.

4:50 PM UPDATE: Logic & Sanity has further updates from today's action in Russia. This includes many new details and some heartbreaking photos as well. There hasn't been much new news to report this afternoon.