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RNC: Liveblogging night 3

Allah is at it again. He's already covered the first few speakers/events/filmstrips/slideshows. I'm so sorry I missed the shot of Sheri Valera, but Allah promises to have the video online at some point.

Visit Allah for what I'm sure will be outstanding coverage of tonight's festivities. I'll put my two cents worth in from time to time, depending on who's playing tonight at the U.S. Open. Right now they're showing the Bryan Bros playing doubles.

10:10 PM UPDATE: Zell Miller has started ranting - he started out stiff as a damn piece of cardboard but seems to have relaxed. Red State is reporting that there was trouble behind the scenes regarding Zell's speech tonight. Apparently it was "too conservative". Isn't that ironic?!? Project USA is reporting that Zell may have stepped out of line by bringing up illegal immigration. According to Karl Rove, that's a no-no at this convention (and with good reason, given President Junior's call for amnesty and torrid love affair with Vicente Fox).

10:26 PM UPDATE: Well, Zell just ripped Kerry and the Dim-O-Cracks a new asshole. Everything else that happens tonight will pale in comparison to that verbal gangland-style beat-down. Allah's review: "The guy was stupendous. If Cheney wants to follow that act, he better come out with bin Laden's head on a f***ing stick."