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Busy day for the Religion of Peace

The two bombings in southern Israel this morning have now produced a death toll of at least 15 people - with more than 80 wounded.

Not to be outdone, a female homicide bomber in central Moscow killed at least 11 people and injured 33 today. There is no word on whether or not she will receive 77 virgins for her sacrifice for the Religion of Peace.

In Iraq today, some of the jihadists must have been feeling left out, so they beheaded 12 Nepalese hostages. Backcountry Conservative has some links to photos and videos for those of you who are compelled to see such things.

The day isn't over, so there's still time for other followers of this loving and peaceful death cult - er - religion to show their compassion towards their fellow man through maniacal ritualistic slaughter.

UPDATE: LGF has a sample of loving Palestinian children celebrating the slaughter of Israelis in Tuesday's bombings. Seems like Israel really needs to get that fence finished and electified as soon as possible.