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RNC Coverage

While I didn't tune into the RNC last night, for those of you looking for a good rundown and review, visit Right on Red. According to Johnny Walker Red, Giuliani whooped some damn ass. You'll also find a warehouse of links to other bloggers who were covering the events. Additionally, you can visit RNC Bloggers for onsite coverage from bloggers you already know and love. I won't be covering it myself, becuase the U.S. Open is on and I don't have the stomach to listen to a lot of the blather.

UPDATE: After watching Giuliani's speech, he did indeed hit it out of the park. It's definitely worth watching. To watch it, go here; to read the text, go here. I'm glad they're reminding the world about 9/11. I had assumed they would roll over to the Old Media's 9/11 blackout, but it doesn't look like they're going to cave in. Good for the GOP - finally doing something right.